Get Microsoft Teams on all your devices. The Microsoft 365 or Office 365 admin or the team owner manages a guest's capabilities as necessary: for example, allowing a guest to add or delete channels or disabling access to files. The team profile page shows the members, owners, and guests that belong to the team (and its backing Microsoft 365 group), as well as the team's channels and settings. The person who has this limited role can add and remove team members and specify whether anyone can invite additional members, but this user has no advanced administrative capabilities and no access to the Microsoft Teams admin center. Microsoft Teams is your hub for teamwork in Office 365.
Whether you’re sprinting towards a deadline or sharing your next big idea, Teams can help you achieve more. Microsoft Teams で最初のチームとチャネルを作成する Create your first teams and channels in Microsoft Teams. All your team conversations, files, meetings, and apps live together in a single shared workspace, and you can take it with you on your favorite mobile device. We have desktop apps for Windows, MacOS, and Linux, as well as mobile apps for iOS and Android
チーム プロフィール ページから、次の操作を行うことができます。 From the team profile page, you can: 詳細については、「 Teams (無料版) にユーザーを招待する」を参照してください。 Microsoft Teamsのテレビ会議に外部の人を呼びたいのだけどどうすればいいの?そもそもできるの?とい […] Teams の作成方法のチュートリアルついては、「Create a class team in Microsoft Teams (Microsoft Teams でクラス チームを作成する)」をご確認ください。 In this case, Microsoft 365 group and Team creation can be restricted to all educators and staff.
2020/05/19; 適用対象: Microsoft Teams; この記事の内容.