AIRIS Ventoでは、超電導MRI装置ECHELON Vegaと同じシステムソフトを採用。 直感的にわかりやすいGUI(Graphical User Interface)を採用、日本語表示にも対応しました。 AIRIS Vento O5 - 0.3T - Hitachi Healthcare develops and supplies high-quality medical imaging equipment. It is the most advanced mid-field MRI, with all of the high-end features of Hitachi's well-proven AIRIS series. The award-winning open magnet maximizes patient friendliness and comfort. AIRIS Vento O5 is a break-through in price performance whole-body MRI. With powerful gradients, the AIRIS Vento O5 performs a virtually unlimited variety of advanced imaging techniques, i AIRIS Vento O5 (0.3T) is a break-through in price performance whole-body MRI. AIRIS Lightは漏洩磁場範囲が狭いため、撮像室をコンパクトにすることが可能です。また、機械室も不要であるため、施設内の狭いスペースに設置可能です。超電導MRI装置に必要な水冷(チラー)設備な … AIRIS Vento Aging is a natural phenomenon that comes with its own necessities calling for periodic medical interventions. It is the most advanced mid-field MRI, with all of the high-end features of Hitachi's well-proven AIRIS series. We, at Hitachi, believe that such interventions require world-class diagnostics to ensure the longevity of human life. The award-winning open magnet maximises patient friendliness and comfort. The open system architecture gives not only a feeling of security but also has considerable merits for taking care of small children and elderly patients. The AIRIS Vento is the most advanced mid-field MRI, with all of the high-end features of Hitachi's well-proven AIRIS series.
Hitachi Airis Vento May 21, 2020 October 1, 2019 by Amber Diagnostics The AIRIS Vento features a wide, open MRI system with world-renowned, proven technology, a unique range of dedicated anatomically-adapted coils and best-in-class Hitachi technologies to … AIRIS Vento O5 (0.3T) is a break-through in price performance whole-body MRI. The award-winning open magnet maximises patient friendliness and comfort. November saw the opening of the private Avicenna Clinic in Berlin, a clinical "gem" set in the heart of Berlin, not far from the famous Kurfürstendamm. The award-winning open magnet maximises patient friendliness and comfort. It is the most advanced mid-field MRI, with all of the high-end features of Hitachi's well-proven AIRIS series. Functions such as operability, image quality and cutting-edge imaging make for great MRI technology, and are under constant improvement at Hitachi. It is the most advanced mid-field MRI, with all of the high-end features of Hitachi's well-proven AIRIS series. AIRIS Vento LT (0.3T) is the economic, compact and wide open MR solution. 日立では、ヘルスケアを21世紀の社会を支える必要不可欠なインフラと考え、総合力をいかした革新的な技術開発や関連システム・ソリューション・サービスの提供を通じて、一人ひとりが健康で安心して暮らせる社会の実現に貢献していきます。 AIRIS Vento (0.3T) is a break-through in price performance whole-body MRI. Committed to providing proven diagnostic technology which meets the needs of physicians and patients, we invest continually in cutting-edge research.