My female is much more hyper. Maltese Breed Description and Characterization. At the very least, a female’s heat cycle will last for 14 days – these cycles occur twice a year. The dog is under general anesthesia when the procedure is performed. And then there’s the moodiness that females will display due to being sexually frustrated. You may be in for a battle for who rules the roost. Other reasons for castrating male dogs or spaying females are more about the owner rather than the dog. Pros And Cons Of Male Dogs In general, male dogs tend to be larger – often something to consider if choosing one when it’s still a puppy. In fact, a ‘sexually aware’ male will go to any length to track down his in-heat mate. Pros and Cons Of Male Dogs. This is because we now know the dog desexing pros and cons vary depending on gender, breed, and age. Females have a tendency to easily get nervous and high-strung compared to males. Especially if you’re looking for your first dog, you may never have considered male vs female dogs pros & cons. I have a female and a male. Could you please provide me with pros and cons for both from your personal experience? The Pros and Cons of Males and Females Mostly the sex you choose is a matter of personal choice, but males and females both have distinguishing characteristics the other does not have. Much like male urine, female urine marks also burn grass and shrubbery, leaving you with yellow rings throughout the yard to deal with. Rather than carefully weighing up the pros and cons of each sex, most folks end up making a decision based on recommendations, past experiences or even based on their “gut instinct”. Dogs of opposite genders tend to get along better than dogs of the same gender. Your email address will not be published. I hope I can help more people with the same problem! Ask the average person shopping for a dog and you’ll find many are looking for a female dog. They also have higher endurance levels, making them more ideal as police dogs, rescue dogs and so on. Males tend to be larger, stronger and more robust. It turns out there is such a difference!! Many male breeds can be over the top aggressive, especially if they are sexually frustrated. Many people believe the notion that female dogs are less aggressive and easier to train. Thanks for the article! We had recently moved into our new house and wanted to add a dog to our family of just the two of us. Stable emotions; Always relaxed and laid back; Easier to train; Easier to housebreak; Affectionate most of the time They do this by urinating on their “spot” so they can find it again. Each cat, whether it is male or female, has its own pros and cons, each one being an individual with its own traits, both good and bad. I will list all the features of the breed, its pros and cons, I will give a description and description of the standards. Spey —> Desexing a female dog. Weighing the Pros and Cons of Getting a Male or Female Puppy If you’re a dog lover, getting a puppy is probably one of the happiest days of your life. Neutering Your Dog: 3 Pros and 3 Cons (male dogs) 1 PRO of neutering your dog: Reduction of “Male” Behavior 2 PRO of neutering your dog: Better Prostate Health PLEASE HELP!! By Michele Welton, Dog Trainer, Breed Selection Consultant, Author of 15 Dog Books. No heats. The dog is taken to a veterinarian, who will then remove the dog’s testicles using strict sterile techniques. Marking, Female Dogs Should Be Spayed To Prevent Unwanted Puppies, Male Dogs May Mark Territory With or Without Neutering, Already Own a Dog? Given their nature, female dogs are far more likely to make friends with people around the house and even visitors, as well as other pets you already have. Dear Doberfolks! So, let’s talk about what some of the pros and cons are having a male vs female dog. The Complete Guide to Dog Separation Anxiety, Diatomaceous Earth: Natural Flea Killer for Dogs. Other breeds that are feisty, nippy and difficult to handle are that way for males and females. The male can be rather boisterous and accidental mating is always a possibility. Depending on individual circumstances, this can be a major advantage for those living in urban areas, where there’s lots of children, friends and neighbors roaming about freely – with the dog willing to be ‘everyone’s best friend’. She’ll bleed from her vulva for about 13 days. In addition, female dog fights are typically more damaging. Having two females gives you the lowest chance of having a peaceful household. Pros to Desexing. Why You Should Get A Boy Dog. The best way to prevent unwanted litters is to spay or neuter your pet. Choosing a female dog means either taking the initiative to spay, or dealing with the issue of the dog being in heat. The Small Dogs, Big Hearts site is for entertainment and informational purposes only. Breeders tend to favor male dogs as an easier pet to manage. It is often called Maltese. If you would like to share some unique content with my lovely audience, click on my guest posting guidelines and shoot me a message. In my own experience, I’ve found my small, male dog to be one of the easiest pets I’ve ever had. However, it can be difficult to anticipate when your pet might want to mate. However, the differences between male and female dogs can make one a markedly better fit for a particular owner. Required fields are marked *. Learn how your comment data is processed. In this article male vs female Golden Retriever, you will find out how the two sexes differ, plus the reasons why I chose a female. Desexing —> Removing the ovaries +/- uterus in a female dog & testicles in a male dog to prevent reproduction. Females are affectionate, absolutely, but often on their own terms. There is the obvious and important reason of reducing unwanted litters. However, they forget that female dogs can be highly temperamental. If I had a choice, I would not have two female dogs. Even a smaller male dog will challenge or irritate a larger male – just to prove who was in the house first. Once trained, though, they tend to be good, steady family dogs, adaptable to all sorts of situations. Fights between two female dogs are more likely to occur than fights between two male dogs. That means no major events or off-leash excursions for almost a month, twice a year. In general, male dogs tend to be larger and can often need more assertive training. This is a wrong perception as both the sex are equally affectionate and sweet. The male can be rather boisterous and accidental mating is always a possibility. Female dogs are opinionated and often manipulative. If you’re a dog lover, getting a puppy is probably one of the happiest days of your life. My dog has attitude problems and thanks to your blog and other training blogs I was able to learn to deal with this problem! They are also better at socializing with other dogs, but be careful when introducing a bitch to a male dog that hasn’t been neutered. The ONLY problem we have now is decideing on whether to get a male or female. All rights reserved​, Male vs Female Dogs Pros & Cons – Heat vs. They also exhibit less territorial spraying habits – although some varieties do not spray at all. Your email address will not be published. If they don't want to do something, they may try to work their charming wiles with … If your female isn’t that keen on the dog … I am having second thoughts if I've made a right choice to go with male puppy. Many breeds of male dogs are easier to train because they are more receptive to commands. If you’re thinking about adopting a male corgi or buying one, here are the stereotypical personality traits compared to females: Pros. If you already have a dog, and want another, you might want to consider getting a male. Female dogs don’t go through menopause, so unlike the human female, dogs can have puppies practically all their lives. This is especially true if both tend to be dominant and want to be the alpha dog. You’ll likely consider your past experience with your own dogs, as well as the pets of other people you know. Male v/s Female Yorkie Temperament There is a belief in Yorkie lovers that females are more affectionate than males. Male vs Female Pugs – Pros and Cons January 13, 2019 by Steve Smith Leave a Comment When getting a new Pug you are faced with several questions, such as the colour, age , and also if you should get a male or female Pug. So you’re looking at more frequent feeding cycles and higher food expenses. Too many dogs … I'll tell you what to feed, how to train and how to properly breed. They raised both dogs around their children and never had any issues. Thank you! Before, I will have to confirm your email address, so please click the link in the email I just sent you (don't forget to check your spam folder). While female dogs are less likely to exhibit threatening behavior, they have a stronger tendency to enforce their dominance in the social hierarchy. Male dogs, for the most part, particularly pups, are slightly less expensive compared to their female counterparts. Since there’s no scientific evidence that predicts the characteristics of males as compared with females, the decision about dog gender is essentially subjective. There is no credible evidence that male dogs are better hunters than females, or that females are easier to train than males. Castrated dogs are generally much easier to manage when out on a walk-in public. This isn’t ideal – both for your pet itself, as well as for the dog population in general. We’ve raised both male and females and currently have males and females that either live with us or spend time here for breeding purposes.Some people say that males are sweeter, and we have noticed that with Boone, Wyatt and Finn. Both the genders demand a lot of attention from their owners. An unspayed female dog will go into estrus twice each year. They are also better at socializing with other dogs, but be careful when introducing a bitch to a male dog that hasn’t been neutered. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This has nothing to do with the fact that it’s a male or female. The differences between male and female dogs do not make one a markedly better hunter than the other. A study of over 40,000 dogs found that ‘neutered male and female dogs were more likely to die from cancer than intact dogs.’ Hoffman JM, Creevy KE, Promislow DEL, 2013. If they don’t, then they may irritate you with too much barking or chewing away pillows, soft carpets, sofas, etc. We had recently moved into our new house and wanted to add a dog to our family of just the two of us. List of the Pros of Neutering Dogs. Although she can be bred and become pregnant only during 7 to 10 days of this time, she will attract male dogs throughout the entire cycle. Whether you buy from a shop or a licensed breeder, you are likely to pay more for a female pup. I have done my research on the breed and feel comfortable raising one around my kids. I have had good success with both but found that independent dogs also have different particular differences. Our dog is laid back, friendly and very affectionate. This can be a major advantage because it means you’ll be saving a little bit of cash to cater to some of the other needs of your beloved pet, such as extra food and treats or cute doggy gear. The female will be in heat for about three weeks. One study suggests that neutering will often help to decrease marking, but may only eliminate the behavior about 40% of the time. Also, there’s their heat cycle, which can last for 14 days at the very least. Take your pick — both male and female dogs have pros and cons. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. Spaying Your Female Dog – Pros and Cons (for MALE dogs, click here.) This can be dangerous to the dog as well as create problems for you. It goes without saying that male dogs are far more protective of their owners and make good watchdogs, especially since they are more aggressive. Any content found herein is not intended as a substitute for, and should not take the place of, professional veterinary advice, diagnosis or treatment. Intact/Entire —> A dog that has not been desexed. Depending on the dog breed, these stereotypes may be true or not. When considering the pros & cons of males dogs vs female dogs, there are a couple of notable physical differences between the two. I am sure that both males and females have their pluses and minuses, but I have heard it is best to mix the genders if you get two. According the ASPCA, 6.5 million pets are taken to shelters every single year. Females are often more docile towards strangers and other dogs that they are introduced to. Regardless of whether you have an issue with marking, neutering your dog is an expense you should factor in as a dog owner. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. When you choose your Border Collie puppy, you must consider these characteristics to decide which sex will fit best in your home. This is a major incentive for buying a female dog – they are really relaxed and will chill out easily most of the time. 10 Pros and Cons of Spaying or Neutering Dogs By Dipti October 7, 2020 Reading Time: 4 minutes Neutering is the surgical removal of a male dog’s testes and is performed under general anesthesia. I love your blog, I’ve learned many tips, thank you for your time! Males may exhibit behavioral problems, particularly during their younger years. Chances are many different factors will influence your decision. Dogs can detect a female on heat from several kilometres away and will soon be lining up at your door. As a responsible dog owner, you need to be aware of what you should be expecting from a Male and/or a Female Yorkshire Terrier. This is a common reason why so many dog lovers tend to go with males because they tend to be less expensive to have neutered than females to have spayed. In addition to the obvious differences, two things you may not have thought too much about are whether you want to deal with a female in heat or a male potentially marking his territory (which could include items in your home!). You will shortly receive an email from me with your download link. Do you have time to take care of a puppy? Could you please provide me with pros and cons for both from your personal experience? For you, that will be the right choice. Male Dogs: The Pros Male dogs tend to be more protective of their ‘stuff’ and their family. Pros and Cons Female Dogs Female dogs (bitches) tend to be more responsive to training and are often less prone to wandering off. While many dog owners feel this can be a twin-edged sword, it is mostly a ‘pro’ because you won’t have to do any cleaning. Your female does not – absolutely does not – need to have puppies in order to be happy or healthy. Generally speaking, female dogs do not display too much aggression like their male counterparts, and this means fewer behavioral problems to deal with. If you suspect your pet has an illness, always seek prompt professional veterinary care. Pros and cons of male corgis. While women typically like to buy small female dogs because perhaps, they feel a ‘purse dog’ makes for a cute companion! Males do not go through heat cycles. Male dogs typically have more energy and are more likely to look for ‘excuses’ to goof off or engage in horseplay. Female dogs are said to be easier to train and more affectionate. You can try to train a dog not to mark his territory, but you’re asking him to go against his instincts. Since male dog’s love marking their territory frequently, certain things around your house like buildings, flowers, shrubbery and bushes can get damaged. Then, she’ll be fertile for another week. This post is contributed by Sally. The average cost of spaying a dog will differ according to your region of the country. Either way, deciding what gender to own ought to be based on the pros and cons of each, which we will discuss in this article. There are currently many unwanted dogs in rehoming centers, and young, healthy dogs are being put to sleep every day because of the lack of homes available. Here are the pros and cons of neutering dogs to think about if you’re considering this procedure for your pet today. Females are surprisingly easy to housetrain and even have the ability to hold their bladders for significantly longer periods. And, not spaying your fur baby could mean multiple litters. © 2018 Small Dogs, Big Hearts. They often need more robust, assertive training than she-dogs. Truth be told, making the choice will be largely based on your gut feelings. Though it really depends on the individual dog and if you are going to get them fixed. They may request petting, then assert their independence by walking away when they've had enough. And, that’s perfectly ok! In this article male vs female Golden Retriever, you will find out how the two sexes differ, plus the reasons why I chose a female. Even if you don’t decide to adopt a cat from a shelter, it is a good place to start looking and getting additional information from hands on people who deal with cats both male and female on a daily basis. They can be difficult to train as a result and might also show a generally rebellious attitude. And, should you get a male or female puppy? Average person shopping for a dog and if you ’ ll find many are looking for your first dog and. Asking him to go with male puppy fur baby could mean multiple.. Destructive, particularly in small spaces going to get a male or female professional veterinary care must these! ’ s a male vs female dogs pros & cons people you know the of... 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