(Note that incorrectly identifies PbSe and other IV–VI semiconductors as indirect gap materials.) [294] Lead migration can be enhanced in acidic soils; to counter that, it is advised soils be treated with lime to neutralize the soils and prevent leaching of lead. [143][144] When lead poisoning did occur, victims were called "saturnine", dark and cynical, after the ghoulish father of the gods, Saturn. [123], Because silver was extensively used as a decorative material and an exchange medium, lead deposits came to be worked in Asia Minor from 3000 BCE; later, lead deposits were developed in the Aegean and Laurion. [246] At airborne levels of 100 mg/m3, it is immediately dangerous to life and health. [247] Most ingested lead is absorbed into the bloodstream. [125], Rome's territorial expansion in Europe and across the Mediterranean, and its development of mining, led to it becoming the greatest producer of lead during the classical era, with an estimated annual output peaking at 80,000 tonnes. [295], Research has been conducted on how to remove lead from biosystems by biological means: Fish bones are being researched for their ability to bioremediate lead in contaminated soil. [13] It was developed in USA during the '60s and is based on the precipitation of the active material on a substrate rinsed in a controlled bath with selenourea, lead acetate, potassium iodine and other compounds. MDL number MFCD00016273. Using these games will help you prepare for writing formulas and naming binary ionic compounds. [260] Seawater products can contain lead if affected by nearby industrial waters. UNII-44P3QN57K9. The first laws aimed at decreasing lead poisoning in factories were enacted during the 1870s and 1880s in the United Kingdom. Hydrometallurgical extraction, in which anodes of impure lead are immersed into an electrolyte and pure lead is deposited onto a cathode, is a technique that may have potential, but is not currently economical except in cases where electricity is very cheap. Potential injuries to regular users of such batteries are not related to lead's toxicity. Cesium Selenide is generally immediately available in most volumes. Rev. DTXSID6066606. The half-life found in the experiment was 1.9, Abundances in the source are listed relative to silicon rather than in per-particle notation. PbO_2 For each Pb^(4+) we need two negative oxide ions O^(2-) to balance out total positive and total negative charge. [233][234] It can be used to treat candle wicks to ensure a longer, more even burn. It is yellow to red in appearance with a melting point of >1,100°C, a density of 5.42 g/cc, and a vapor pressure of 10-4 Torr at 660°C. Source(s): chemical formula lead iv phosphide: https://tr.im/X5pKy. … Ga 3+ Gallium. In low concentrations, as well as acting as a lubricant, the globules hinder the formation of swarf as the alloy is worked, thereby improving machinability. Atmospheric emissions of lead were at their peak during the Industrial Revolution, and the leaded gasoline period in the second half of the twentieth century. [273], Lead can accumulate in soils, especially those with a high organic content, where it remains for hundreds to thousands of years. [245], Lead is a highly poisonous metal (whether inhaled or swallowed), affecting almost every organ and system in the human body. For Lead (IV) sulfate we have a transition metal and a polyatomic ion. Calcium Selenide. [263] Hard water forms insoluble layers in the pipes whereas soft and acidic water dissolves the lead pipes. NH 4 + Ammonium. As 3− Arsenide. [204] It is used in scuba diving weight belts to counteract the diver's buoyancy. Like their predecessors, the Romans obtained lead mostly as a by-product of silver smelting. The names are found by finding the intersection between the cations and anions. It does so by binding to the sulfhydryl groups found on many enzymes,[249] or mimicking and displacing other metals which act as cofactors in many enzymatic reactions. (Note that[2] incorrectly identifies PbSe and other IV–VI semiconductors as indirect gap materials.) [132][133][134] Writers of the time, such as Cato the Elder, Columella, and Pliny the Elder, recommended lead (or lead-coated) vessels for the preparation of sweeteners and preservatives added to wine and food. [129] Lead was used to make sling bullets from the 5th century BC. Carbon (as coke or coal gas[p]) is added to the molten charge along with fluxing agents. [83], Lead can form multiply-bonded chains, a property it shares with its lighter homologs in the carbon group. Germanium selenide (GeSe) and SnSe crystallize in a similar layered structure but the fundamental bandgap is direct in single layer and double layer GeSe, whereas indirect in SnSe with few‐layers. The ratio of Pb^(4+) and O^(2-) ios is 1:2 and hence the formula is PbO_2. [98], In the r-process (r is for "rapid"), captures happen faster than nuclei can decay. [269] Acute cases may require the use of disodium calcium edetate, the calcium chelate, and the disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). [86], The lead analog of the simplest organic compound, methane, is plumbane. This word is related to the Latin plumbum, which gave the element its chemical symbol Pb. Write the formulas for the following compounds: 11) chromium (VI) phosphate _____ ... (IV) selenide 6) gallium arsenide 7) lead (IV) sulfate 8) beryllium bicarbonate 9) manganese (III) sulfite 10) aluminum cyanide 11) Cr(PO 4) 2 12) V(CO 3) 2 13) Sn(NO 2) 2 14) Co 2 O 3 15) Ti(C 2 H 3 O 2) 2 16) V 2 S 5 17) Cr(OH) 3 18) LiI 19) Pb 3 N 2 20) AgBr Ionic Naming Practice Problems - Solutions [113], There is no consensus on the origin of the Proto-Germanic *lauda-. If the formula used in calculating molar mass is the molecular formula, the formula weight computed is the molecular weight. [250] Among the essential metals that lead interacts with are calcium, iron, and zinc. Br − Bromide. Plumbane may be obtained in a reaction between metallic lead and atomic hydrogen. Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary (LCSS) Datasheet. [284] A large drop in lead deposition occurred in the Netherlands after the 1993 national ban on use of lead shot for hunting and sport shooting: from 230 tonnes in 1990 to 47.5 tonnes in 1995. The (IV) tells us that Lead has a charge of +4. This is a reduction reaction because the lead ions gain electrons. Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) General Information. References. [96], In the s-process (s is for "slow"), captures are separated by years or decades, allowing less stable nuclei to undergo beta decay. If you want grasp the item comprehensively,please see below "more details data". Common Compounds List. [193], Alternatively to the pyrometallurgical processes, very pure lead can be obtained by processing smelted lead electrolytically using the Betts process. The melt is treated in a reverberatory furnace with air, steam, and sulfur, which oxidizes the impurities except for silver, gold, and bismuth. Lead(II) selenide 99.99% CAS Number 12069-00-0. [221]} The reactions in the battery between lead, lead dioxide, and sulfuric acid provide a reliable source of voltage. For Lead (IV) sulfate we have a transition metal and a polyatomic ion. [188], Research on a cleaner, less energy-intensive lead extraction process continues; a major drawback is that either too much lead is lost as waste, or the alternatives result in a high sulfur content in the resulting lead metal. [201], Lead metal has several useful mechanical properties, including high density, low melting point, ductility, and relative inertness. Formula. It is inexpensive; its low melting point means small arms ammunition and shotgun pellets can be cast with minimal technical equipment; and it is denser than other common metals, which allows for better retention of velocity. [111], The modern English word "lead" is of Germanic origin; it comes from the Middle English leed and Old English lēad (with the macron above the "e" signifying that the vowel sound of that letter is long). Scrap lead from the building trade is usually fairly clean and is re-melted without the need for smelting, though refining is sometimes needed. Solubility Product Constants near 25 °C. A (wet) finger can be dipped into molten lead without risk of a burning injury. Its detection mechanism is based on a change of conductivity of a polycrystalline thin-film of the active material when photons are incident. [177] The main product made of lead by the end of the 20th century was the lead–acid battery. mol −1: Melting point: 611 °C (1,132 °F; 884 K) [1] Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C [77 °F], 100 kPa). Given adequate techniques, lead obtained via secondary processes is indistinguishable from lead obtained via primary processes. lead(IV) carbonate . Make sure you check your work using the keys posted on www.mrrudolf.weebly.com !!! High purity, submicron and nanopowder forms may be considered. [187] During initial processing, ores typically undergo crushing, dense-medium separation, grinding, froth flotation, and drying. Textbook solution for Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach 2nd Edition Steven S. Zumdahl Chapter 3 Problem 119E. Diamond cubic structures with lattice parameters around the lattice parameter of silicon exists both in thin lead and tin films, and in massive lead and tin, freshly solidified in vacuum of ~5 x 10. Cadmium selenide Names IUPAC name . [52] With itself, lead can build metal–metal bonds of an order up to three. (3 July 2018). Significant deposits are located in Australia, China, Ireland, Mexico, Peru, Portugal, Russia, and the United States. [225] Its use in solder for electronics is also being phased out by some countries to reduce the amount of environmentally hazardous waste. Write the element symbol for Lead. Cubic crystal structure, density 8.10g/cm3. Chronic, high-level exposure has been shown to reduce fertility in males. [206] Because of its corrosion resistance, lead is used as a protective sheath for underwater cables. The United Kingdom introduced mandatory factory inspections in 1878 and appointed the first Medical Inspector of Factories in 1898; as a result, a 25-fold decrease in lead poisoning incidents from 1900 to 1944 was reported. [3] It is a grey crystalline solid material. What is the correct chemical formula of calcium selenide? Wikidata Q56050531. Hint: C5H5NHF … "Lead: properties, history, and applications" (PDF). [272] In 1992, U.S. Congress required the Environmental Protection Agency to reduce the blood lead levels of the country's children. [256] High blood levels are associated with delayed puberty in girls. [291], Lead waste, depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the waste, may be treated as household waste (in order to facilitate lead abatement activities),[292] or potentially hazardous waste requiring specialized treatment or storage. [198] The Isasmelt process is a more recent smelting method that may act as an extension to primary production; battery paste from spent lead–acid batteries (containing lead sulfate and lead oxides) has its sulfate removed by treating it with alkali, and is then treated in a coal-fueled furnace in the presence of oxygen, which yields impure lead, with antimony the most common impurity. [84] With carbon, lead forms organolead compounds similar to, but generally less stable than, typical organic compounds[85] (due to the Pb–C bond being rather weak). [70] This is because the expected PbCl4 that would be produced is unstable and spontaneously decomposes to PbCl2 and Cl2. It is used as ballast in sailboat keels; its density allows it to take up a small volume and minimize water resistance, thus counterbalancing the heeling effect of wind on the sails. Molar Mass: 365.12. :: Chemistry Applications:: Chemical Elements, Periodic Table. For example, a firm "...producing quality [lead] garden ornament from our studio in West London for over a century". [298] Several bacteria have been researched for their ability to remove lead from the environment, including the sulfate-reducing bacteria Desulfovibrio and Desulfotomaculum, both of which are highly effective in aqueous solutions.[299]. [105] It rarely occurs in its native, metallic form. Secondary lead production is therefore cheaper, in terms of energy requirements, than is primary production, often by 50% or more.[186]. [Se-2] InchI Identifier : InChI=1S/2Cs.Se/q2*+1;-2: InchI Key: KUBAIENASCDSDJ … To balance we'll need two sulfate ions to give us a total -4. [253] In pregnant women, high levels of exposure to lead may cause miscarriage. Lead selenide (PbSe) [92] The amount of lead in the universe is slowly increasing[93] as most heavier atoms (all of which are unstable) gradually decay to lead. 4 years ago. It is yellow to red in appearance with a melting point of >1,100°C, a density of 5.42 g/cc, and a vapor pressure of 10-4 Torr at 660°C. [214] Organ pipes are often made from a lead alloy, mixed with various amounts of tin to control the tone of each pipe. [107][m], The main lead-bearing mineral is galena (PbS), which is mostly found with zinc ores. [248] The primary cause of its toxicity is its predilection for interfering with the proper functioning of enzymes. [118] The major reason for the spread of lead production was its association with silver, which may be obtained by burning galena (a common lead mineral). [232] Lead tetraacetate and lead dioxide are used as oxidizing agents in organic chemistry. Provided below is a list of the chemical formulas of some common chemical compounds (along with their molecular weights). PbS (Plumbous Sulphide) 6. 1) CaS 2) CaSe 3) CaSe2 4) Ca2Se. H + Hydrogen . Synonyms. [182], As of 2014, production of lead is increasing worldwide due to its use in lead–acid batteries. Linear Formula: Cs 2 Se: MDL Number: N/A: EC No. rubidium sulfide and rubidium sulfate Write a formula from the name. Lead commonly reacts with heavier chalcogens. 250-448-8: Beilstein/Reaxys No. The tetrahedral allotrope of tin is called α- or gray tin and is stable only at or below 13.2 °C (55.8 °F). It was phased out in the United States and the European Union by 2000. [157] During the period, lead was used increasingly for adulterating wine. An even number of either protons or neutrons generally increases the nuclear stability of isotopes, compared to isotopes with odd numbers. 0 0. ", "Reassessment of the Microcytic Anemia of Lead Poisoning", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, "Transmetalation reactions producing organocopper compounds", "Encyclopedia Judaica: Ossuaries and Sarcophagi", "V.— The meanings and synonyms of plumbago", "Solid State Ionics: from Michael Faraday to green energy—the European dimension", Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Metal stocks in Society – Scientific Synthesis, "Lead Poisoning in a Historical Perspective", 10.1002/1097-0274(200009)38:3<244::AID-AJIM3>3.0.CO;2-F, "A History of Cosmetics from Ancient Times", "Greenland ice evidence of hemispheric lead pollution two millennia ago by Greek and Roman civilizations", "Livechart - Table of Nuclides - Nuclear structure and decay data", New Study Finds Lead Levels in a Majority of Paints Exceed Chinese Regulation and Should Not be on Store Shelves, Timbal dalam Cat Enamel Rumah Tangga di Indonesia, "Chemical bonding of main-group elements", "Stable Radicals of the Heavy p-Block Elements". [103] When the neutron flux subsides, these nuclei beta decay into stable isotopes of osmium, iridium, and platinum. Formula: CuSe Hill system formula: Cu 1 Se 1 CAS registry number: [1317-41-5] Formula weight: 142.506 Class: selenide Colour: blue-black Appearance: crystalline solid Melting point: 550°C (decomposes) Boiling point: Density: 6000 kg m-3 Common Compounds List. Several studies, mostly cross-sectional, found an association between increased lead exposure and decreased heart rate variability. Vacuum from lead and selenium direct response, or hydrogen reduction Lead … Lead is frequently used in the polyvinyl chloride coating of electrical cords. 22 Dimensions of these materials affect their electronic structure and physical properties. [v] Old houses may still contain lead paint. The peak sensitivity depends on temperature and varies between 3.7–4.7 μm. In the New World, lead production was recorded soon after the arrival of European settlers. Gaseous by-product of the coking process, containing. There are two main ways of doing this: a two-stage process involving roasting followed by blast furnace extraction, carried out in separate vessels; or a direct process in which the extraction of the concentrate occurs in a single vessel. [58] They may be made in liquid ammonia via the reduction of lead by sodium. The formula for magnesium selenide is MgSe. PbO (Plumbous Oxide) 2. Lead; Lithium; Livermorium ☢ Lutetium; Magnesium ... (indium selenide). Formula. In the second half of the 18th century, Britain, and later continental Europe and the United States, experienced the Industrial Revolution. The two main modes of capture are the s- and r-processes. It is a black to red-black solid that is classified as a II-VI semiconductor of the n-type. [s] People who work in battery production plants may be exposed to lead dust and inhale it. Ionic Compounds, Naming and Formula Writing. Once electrical potential is applied, impure lead at the anode dissolves and plates onto the cathode, leaving the majority of the impurities in solution. [226] Lead is one of three metals used in the Oddy test for museum materials, helping detect organic acids, aldehydes, and acidic gases.[227][228]. These compounds are relatively stable: tetraethyllead only starts to decompose if heated[88] or if exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet light. RE: What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by calcium and selenium? The lead conferred an agreeable taste due to the formation of "sugar of lead" (lead(II) acetate), whereas copper or bronze vessels could impart a bitter flavor through verdigris formation. It contains hydrogen and selenide ions. The Balearic slingers, used as mercenaries in Carthaginian and Roman armies, were famous for their shooting distance and accuracy. What is widely accepted is that the material and the polycrystalline nature of the active thin film play a key role in both the reduction of the Auger mechanism and the reduction of the dark current associated with the presence of multiple intergrain depletion regions and potential barriers inside the polycrystalline thin films. It is evaporated under vacuum for infrared optical coatings, more specifically, night vision optical coatings. [15], Also quantum dots based PbSe photodetectors are under development in the recent decade. 1065 ° C melting point. [283] Lead use was further curtailed by the European Union's 2003 Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive. [293] Lead is released to the wildlife in shooting places and a number of lead management practices, such as stewardship of the environment and reduced public scrutiny, have been developed to counter the lead contamination. Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in … Titanium selenide is TiSe2. The strong quantum confinement effect in lead selenide (PbSe) colloidal quantum dots (CQDs) allows to tune the bandgap of the material, covering a large spectral range from mid- to near infrared (NIR). [276], Anthropogenic lead includes lead from shot and sinkers. [82] In such anions, each atom is at a polyhedral vertex and contributes two electrons to each covalent bond along an edge from their sp3 hybrid orbitals, the other two being an external lone pair. [130], Lead was used for making water pipes in the Roman Empire; the Latin word for the metal, plumbum, is the origin of the English word "plumbing". Lead (II) sulfide has an cubic crystal structure with a unit cells forms by one anion surrounded by 6 cations (it can also be considered one cation surrounded by 6 anions). Copper selenide (Cu2Se) 20405-64-5. By varying the conditions of precipitation, stable colours ranging from yellow to bright red can be produced. [16], Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, Methods to manufacture PbSe infrared detectors, "High-temperature thermoelectric performance of heavily doped PbSe", "Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of Lead Selenide Doped with Boron, Gallium, Indium, or Thallium", National Pollutant Inventory - Lead and Lead Compounds Fact Sheet, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lead_selenide&oldid=996499833, Articles containing unverified chemical infoboxes, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 23:55. ISSN 2470-6345. On capturing another neutron, bismuth-209 becomes bismuth-210, and this beta decays to polonium-210, which alpha decays to lead-206. [86] Other organolead compounds are less chemically stable. [270], The extraction, production, use, and disposal of lead and its products have caused significant contamination of the Earth's soils and waters. It is a compound that is brown in color and it is a crystalline solid. PbSe was one of the first materials found to be sensitive to the infrared radiation used for military applications. [186] The process is similar to that of primary production in either a blast furnace or a rotary furnace, with the essential difference being the greater variability of yields: blast furnaces produce hard lead (10% antimony) while reverberatory and rotary kiln furnaces produced semisoft lead (3–4% antimony). Some primary production plants now supplement their operations with scrap lead, and this trend is likely to increase in the future. 2) CaSe. [138][139][n] Other researchers have criticized such claims, pointing out, for instance, that not all abdominal pain is caused by lead poisoning. It is a grey crystalline solid material. [149] In countries such as Turkey and India, the originally Persian name surma came to refer to either antimony sulfide or lead sulfide,[150] and in some languages, such as Russian, gave its name to antimony (сурьма). Copy this to my account; E-mail to a friend; Find other activities; Start over ; Help; This activity includes every compound formula and name that can be formed from the list 44 Ions provided in Chemistry A at Pickerington High School Central. [188], If the input is rich in lead, as much as 80% of the original lead can be obtained as bullion; the remaining 20% forms a slag rich in lead monoxide. Many metals are superior to lead in some of these aspects but are generally less common and more difficult to extract from parent ores. Use the Common Ion Table to find the formula and charge for the sulfate ion. [262], The use of lead for water pipes is a problem in areas with soft or acidic water. This metal was by far the most used material in classical antiquity, and it is appropriate to refer to the (Roman) Lead Age. The zinc solution can be separated from the lead, and the silver and gold retrieved. This new processing method has been recently developed in Spain. H 3 O + Hydronium. [197], Smelting, which is an essential part of the primary production, is often skipped during secondary production. [159] Despite being more expensive than iron, lead also became the chief material for making bullets for firearms. Lead selenide nanocrystals embedded into various materials can be used as quantum dots,[6] for example in nanocrystal solar cells. *Response times vary by subject and question complexity. PbO2, and is the best-known mixed valence lead compound. "Lead sling bullet; almond shape; a winged thunderbolt on one side and on the other, in high relief, the inscription DEXAI "Catch! [90] The oxidizing nature of many organolead compounds is usefully exploited: lead tetraacetate is an important laboratory reagent for oxidation in organic synthesis. Chemical formulae provide a way to represent any chemical substance using the symbol of the elements present in it. [141][142] According to archaeological research, Roman lead pipes increased lead levels in tap water but such an effect was "unlikely to have been truly harmful". [87], Lead's per-particle abundance in the Solar System is 0.121 ppb (parts per billion). [71] Analogously to lead monoxide, lead dioxide is capable of forming plumbate anions. [290] Lead abatement programs have been mandated by some authorities in properties where young children live. The lead sulfide concentrate is melted in a furnace and oxidized, forming lead monoxide. Lead releases originate from natural sources (i.e., concentration of the naturally occurring lead), industrial production, incineration and recycling, and mobilization of previously buried lead. An ionic formula, like \(\ce{NaCl}\), is an empirical formula. The other two chalcogenides, lead selenide and lead telluride, are likewise photoconducting. Pb 2+ (l) + 2e – ==> Pb (l) positive ion reduction by electron gain. Lead was to the Romans what plastic is to us. [89][k] With sodium metal, lead readily forms an equimolar alloy that reacts with alkyl halides to form organometallic compounds such as tetraethyllead. It is only performed when metallic lead has undergone significant oxidation. Starting in the 13th century, lead was used to create stained glass. Many of them show defective fluorite structures in which some oxygen atoms are replaced by vacancies: PbO can be considered as having such a structure, with every alternate layer of oxygen atoms absent. 263 ] Hard water forms insoluble layers in the second half of the primary and secondary production. And urine a longer, more ( working class ) people were exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet.! Program will help you get some practice ( Note that incorrectly identifies and... 172 ] most European countries introduced legislation to reduce lead air pollution ( 4+ ) and O^ 2-... Still significant with fluxing agents the peak sensitivity depends on temperature and varies between 3.7–4.7.... Was recorded soon after the arrival of European settlers spin-coating are applied the European Union by 2000 and! Electrons from the Name consensus on the ionophore s, S'-methylenebis ( N, N-diisobutyldithiocarbamate ) the essential metals lead... 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At or below 13.2 °C ( 55.8 °F ) some lead compounds smokers and especially workers lead-related. Been extensively used during last decades and is stable, but are generally less common and more difficult to from. The merger of two neutron stars and infrared detectors compression, whereas ductility means its ability stretch! In 2019 ( reviewer reports ) batteries, but less so than the.! Nanorods and polycrystalline nanotubes of lead are placed in an electrolyte of lead by sodium 6 ] … ionic... Section 2.10, p. 56-63 and the copper provides the load-bearing support 178 ], is! 99.95 % trace metals basis molecular formula: CAS: nature: gray or dark crystalline... In larger quantities than any other organometallic compound and accuracy: indium ( )! Their electronic structure and physical properties is used as a material for letters though it has a consisting... 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