The value of interactive content marketing is obvious, and embedding content like this into your overall strategy will typically yield immediate results. It is a great way to generate and nurture leads. Interactive content gives readers something to do once they’ve opened the email, a nice surprise and departure from the run-of-the-mill marketing emails most prospects are used to. The latest Buzzfeed Quiz offering, an even more interactive. 79% agree that interactive content enhances retention of brand messaging when combined with traditional marketing tactics. There are tons out there, but here are 10 favorites among digital marketers, which educate and entertain. Now that you’re clear on the benefits, let’s look at great examples of interactive content marketing you can learn from. In a world where people are constantly overwhelmed with information every second of the day, marketers are trying their level best to … It engages people, it sparks conversation, and many times it can teach the brand something about customers and market trends. Good content will always remain an important part of a digital marketing strategy. Or watch it. editor and content ambassador of relationship blog Romantific, noted it’s a form of content that helps brands, Kelly said there's a lot of buzz about interactive content among publishers because of its potential to drive links, shares, and, “However, I think interactive content is being slept on big time in terms of its potential to skyrocket, It’s also a channel that enables users to send direct, Our 10 favorite examples of awesome interactive content, This free website tool from marketing software HubSpot grades sites based on factors like, 3. Cross-platform software to maximize your online advertising. (+Infographic), 7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021. From blog posts to white papers, presentations, case studies, and podcasts.. Enter interactive marketing. Interactive content marketing is just what it sounds like: content that requires the user’s active engagement. What is Interactive Content Marketing? Heilers called it a “quick, free way to evaluate a website,” adding, “It's a great way for HubSpot to increase their leads, by offering to provide further advice to website owners with poor ratings.”, Nate Nead, CEO of SEO firm, pointed to DTC shoe brand Allbirds’ paid post with the New York Times on how birds impact the environment, how consumers can help protect birds, and how Allbirds makes “better shoes in a better way.”. “You can see images of real women with different skin tones and you just select the closest option to your skin tone,” said Medha Mehta, content marketing specialist at website security firm Sectigo. It is incredibly effective and uses several principles of psychology that influence human behavior like curiosity, FOMO, and the Near Miss Theory. They are no longer passive consumers. 9 interactive content marketing tools to try. “Interactive content allows the reader to actively participate, as opposed to passively reading, watching or listening.”. If you’re looking for a free interactive content marketing platform to build your site a calculator, try uCalc or Calculoid. In 2018, CNN followed with an interactive timeline for Marvel’s cinematic universe to prepare viewers for the release of the superhero film Avengers: Infinity War. A Definition of Interactive Marketing. Be creative. “When content is sticky and, For her part, marketing consultant Olga Tsimaraki pointed to the quiz on the website of DTC haircare brand, Tsimaraki said she likes this example because “, “You can see images of real women with different skin tones and you just select the closest option to your skin tone,” said, Medha Mehta, content marketing specialist, at website security firm Sectigo. Hear what makes us great -- straight from our customers. Interactive content marketing is the practice of using content that requires action from users. interactive content marketing platform to create a winning webpage that will bring you traffic for years to come. What do we mean by interactive content? Interactive content grabs your attention. This method involves participation. Here are three good reasons why you should use interactive content in your marketing strategy: Generate Higher Engagement Rates. You visit the site, fill in some information, and go to the next … Your customers are longing to make real connections with brands and interactivity in marketing content helps to forge those connections. You can’t just sit there and read it. Therefore, interactive content is highly linkable and becomes a linkable asset on your website.”. Interactive content is the filed trip of content marketing. This is a popular interactive content tool used by many marketers. And then came interactive content. Marketing collaterals like blog posts, emails, paid ads, and landing pages become dynamic due to the persuasive power of this in-person interaction. Interactive marketing involves marketing initiatives that are triggered by customers’ behaviors and preferences; for this reason, it is a major shift from traditional campaign-based marketing efforts. It’s spectacular. In fact, 93% of marketers believe that interactive content is more effective at educating the buyer compared to static content. Rather than telling the audience what they want, interactive content instead asks what problem they are facing, then presents them with a way to solve that problem. Interactive content is the next stage in the evolution of content marketing. Social Media Marketing Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Why Is Interactive Content Important? Adding interactive content to your content-marketing mix could result in significant increases in customer engagement, conversions, and referrals. “Users can select locations on their interactive map to view real-time wait times for attractions and plan their day by building an itinerary,” he said. But, remember the world doesn’t need another pretty clickable infographic or a simple quiz. 1. Interactive content provides superior results because it helps start a conversation with the target audience. 101 Huntington Ave, Floor 7  “Say, for example, you write an article based around what a new interactive map shows people,” Graham said. The new (old) world: Interactive content marketing. Interactive content is content a user can engage with and manipulate, like those aforementioned quizzes, as well as data visualizations, calculators or infographics, as Mitchell Kelly, digital marketing director of performance marketing company Pathfinder Alliance , put it. Interactive content can take so many shapes and sizes in today’s digital world it can be hard to keep it all straight! This tool from marketing software CoSchedule analyzes headlines and determines how useful they are with scores based on features like word balance and character length. You have to engage with it. It was a step above the landscape in terms of interactivity, and it worked. Interactive content makes people work with content actively. The Benefits of Using Interactive Content. Customer interaction is the biggest advantage that comes out of interactive content. The experience includes sounds of various bird calls, as well as visuals of the birds and their environments in motion. “With this feedback, the marketer immediately knows what's working and what's not working,” said Tom De Spiegelaere, founder of digital marketing agency Tom Spicky. Think of a survey tool or an interactive infographic. Interactive content marketing is the practice of using content that requires action from users. Interactive content is content a user can engage with and manipulate, like those aforementioned quizzes, as well as data visualizations, calculators or infographics, as Mitchell Kelly, digital marketing director of performance marketing company Pathfinder Alliance, put it. A conversion study by Demand Metric indicates when examining “very effective” content, interactive blows away passive content for educating the buyer. Marketers may interact with customers via dynamic content such as visual storytelling, personalized content, layered information, and two-way interaction. Blog posts, social media posts, and emails all have their place, but interactive eBooks can be particularly valuable for attracting an audience and nurturing and converting leads. Entrez une adresse email valide pour continuer. Designhill found that static content overload has desensitized visitors, making it difficult for marketers to capture the interest and attention of prospects. “This is a more creative example for getting readers engaged,” said Vinay Amin, CEO of supplement brand Eu Natural. Now that you understand more about what interactive content is and why it works so well, here are the top nine interactive content tools that are worth trying. “You cannot create that story without linking to the map itself. Types of interactive content. No matter which type of interactive marketing initiative you implement, the goal is to make content engaging and relevant for customers. It has been known to generate two times more conversions than passive content. The Content Marketing Institute polled companies that didn’t use interactive content and asked them why. “For any online business selling customizable products, making it easy for your customers to visualize what the final product will look like as well as engage them in the buying process is critical,” Kelly said. Interactive content marketing involves using content to engage your audience based on their participation. Put simply, interactive content marketing is a strategy that uses the personal information of your users to generate a unique, customized experience. Take these examples and start thinking what kind of interactive content would attract your audience. Sign up to get our top tips and tricks weekly! By beginning with a nostalgic ad and infusing it with … “However, I think interactive content is being slept on big time in terms of its potential to skyrocket conversion rates for both lead generation and ecommerce websites,” he added. Interactive Content Marketing. Interactive content marketing is the practice of using content that requires action from users. Similarly, Nove Bikes offers a customization tool on its website to allow customers to build their ideal high-performance bicycle. The annual growth in the traffic of unique sites is 7.8x higher for content marketing leaders than followers (19.7% vs. 2.5%). Not only does interactive content provide 2X more conversions than static content, it’s also as limitless as your imagination. Keep it agile, respond to shifting customer interests and trends, and you just might realize someday that your site has become one of the most-visited places for today’s digitally demanding consumers. Interactive Content Marketing: The Future Online Experience. Times are changing, and our marketing strategy has to evolve as well. Alex Membrillo, CEO of Cardinal SEO Company. A survey focused on this type of strategy listened to more than 20,000 marketing professionals and arrived at a very suggestive result: 87% of respondents agree that interactive content is much more effective in attracting and keeping Internet users. Boston, MA 02199. Tsimaraki said she likes this example because “they're providing a simpler customer/user experience.”. Interactive Content Marketing formats are one of the most engaging types of content on the internet. Interactive content requires users’ collaboration, and interactive content marketing utilizes that style of content to provide value, exchange information, attract and convert customers. The key power of interactive content marketing is that it provides valuable experiences where our audience wants to willingly provide us with insightful information. CNN’s Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline, Make interactive content work for your business, These examples illustrate the range of possibilities for interactives content that you can create to start accruing back links, attracting site visitors, and more. Interactive content marketing is an effective method of content marketing for engaging with an audience. Take these examples and start thinking what kind of interactive content would attract your audience—then go and get them! That’s in part because interactive content can be used to collect customer information, said Oli Graham, marketing manager for copywriting company RightlyWritten. Allbirds: Why Our Future May Depend on Birds, Nate Nead, CEO of SEO firm, pointed to DTC shoe brand Allbirds’, “One of the biggest boons to interactive content marketing is the stickiness factor,” Nead said. If you’ve ever taken an online poll, filled out a Buzzfeed quiz, or entered your personal information to gain access to a whitepaper or results from an online assessment, you’ve experienced interactive content marketing. Interactive content marketing is an effective method of content marketing for engaging with an audience. She loves to read and write, and spends the rest of her free time exploring, fishing, camping, and just being outdoors with her husband and young son. Content marketing is the new normal, but there is so much of it. Passively-read content still has a place, and always will – but the state of the art has progressed beyond it, … For those who may need more from their calculators, ContentTools is an excellent Static content overload. You need to stand out. (Source: SlideShare) Peugeot interactive content case study They are no longer passive consumers. Interacting with content is more active, rather than passive content that only requires scrolling and reading. It’s time to start elevating your interactive content marketing practices. “It also has images for all the other options to help you choose your preferable coverage, forms, and types of finishes … after that, they suggested not only the closest shade for my skin tone but also the foundation that matched all other criteria.”, “For any online business selling customizable products, making it easy for your customers to visualize what the final product will look like as well as engage them in the buying process is critical,” Kelly said. Affiliate Marketing. Try it free. Going for more of the shock factor, clothing brand Missy Empire created a calculator that allows regular Joes and Janes to type in their salaries to see how many minutes it takes members of the Kardashian family to make what they earn in a year. Typeform. Interactive content performs well when it comes to creating partners and affiliates. One of the biggest drawcards of interactive marketing is its built-in social media virality. But first, let’s talk about why interactive content marketing is and why it can help your strategy. Quizzes from media company BuzzFeed are perhaps the best-known examples of interactive content, which Alex Membrillo, CEO of Cardinal SEO Company, said allows user to select their own path to receive information. Interactive marketing content has now replaced the old forms of marketing. But first, let’s talk about why interactive content marketing is and why it can help your strategy. If you plan, design, build, or manage content, Content 360 is … Successful interactive content allows the user to dive in, interact, have fun and gain insight without feeling like he/she is being sold to. It is also responsible for giving rise to the concept of “viral content.” In other words, it cuts through the noise for brands to reach their target audience. If you haven’t seen the Buy The World A Coke 2012 update by Google and Coke, you need to. People are consuming it, but they … Assessments; Polls; Calculators; Interactive infographics; Workbooks; Giveaways ; Challenges; The challenge of creating quality interactive content. Using interactive content, marketers can create unique experiences that are playful and fun. If you’re not creating interactive content already, this is a great way to expand marketing strategy, and in this post, we’ll show you how it’s done best. In stark contrast to dense content assets that are difficult to measure, interactive content enables marketers to analyze the effectiveness of their content to assess its value to their audience. However, not all interactive content is created equal; and do-it-yourself tools have lowered the barriers to producing interactive content. By rewarding participants for sharing your interactive content, you can increase the number of people who see your experiences, generate more leads, and bolster your ROI. Interactive marketing – such as contests, quizzes, calculators, and polls – is changing the way marketers think about content. This free website tool from marketing software HubSpot grades sites based on factors like performance, mobile readiness, SEO, and security. Essentially, it enables marketers to humanize a brand. That’s why it generates five times the number of views and twice the number of conversions, … Based on data from Inc., interactive content is up to 23 percent more effective than traditional static content. Analyze & improve your digital marketing -- for free! Take your audience by surprise before they have the chance to grow bored. Differentiate, engage, convert and measure. Interactive content involves having users click or otherwise engage with a piece of content – which requires more attention and focus than simply reading or viewing a piece of content. Interactive content is the next leap forward in the evolution of digital marketing. Allbirds’ Brand Building Sponsored Content. “The bonus with interactive content is that the information gleaned from the customer when interacting with the content … can be used to segment your customers into different personas,” he noted. Generally speaking, it’s any content that requires more input from the user than simply scrolling or clicking links. Other times, it works within a brand’s funnel or established audience in order to keep readers or customers engaged. 79% agree that interactive content can have reusable value, resulting in repeat visitors and multiple exposures. It’s also a channel that enables users to send direct feedback to brands. Lisa Smith is a freelance writer who has covered the digital marketing industry for more than a decade. Kelly said there's a lot of buzz about interactive content among publishers because of its potential to drive links, shares, and engagement. 81% agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content. Interactive Content Marketing formats are one of the most engaging types of content on the internet. “Over the last decade, Marvel has been dropping hints—Easter eggs, along with mid-credit and post-credit scenes—to set up one of the biggest showdowns in Marvel comic book history: ‘Infinity War,’” the site says. Affiliate marketing is like referral marketing, except it’s all business. Interactive content marketing promises something in return. “When content is sticky and dwell time significantly increases, so, too, do rankings, conversions, and sales. It hits us from all angles – at an increasingly aggressive pace. Interactive marketing is a one-to-one marketing practice that centers on individual customer and prospects’ actions. Scale your agency with WordStream software, Digital solutions for your entire funnel presented by WordStream. Software and consulting to help you grow your business, Software and consulting to drive success for your clients, A trusted guide for your digital marketing journey. Now that we’re clear on what interactive content is and why it’s effective, let’s move on to learning from some awesome examples. Interactive content marketing is the future. However, interactive content does require investment in resources and development. This results with more time spent on your content, and higher sharing rates which could lead to getting your content viral. “Interactive content is one of the best ways to engage your audience and enhance the customer experience,” Membrillo added. If you haven’t seen the Buy The World A Coke 2012 update by Google and Coke, you need to. Interactive marketing content performs better than content that is static. They actually created special vending machines where you can buy someone a Coke from anywhere in the world, and they can send a thank you video back to you. “One of the biggest boons to interactive content marketing is the stickiness factor,” Nead said. Hopefully these examples will have … Interactive content can be a great way to make your content stand out from the crowd and to gain both shares and links. Other forms of interactive content marketing include polls, picture galleries, navigable white papers or … “Utilizing Disney’s Magic Band technology, guests can also use the My Photo feature on the app to view photos that automatically synced from attractions they were on.”. How interactive content marketing is shaping the future of business. As any good marketer would ask: Is interactive content worth the hype? Interactive content is content a user can engage with and manipulate, like those aforementioned quizzes, as well as data visualizations, calculators or infographics, as Mitchell Kelly, digital marketing director of performance marketing company, Interactive content is one of the best ways to engage your audience and enhance the customer experience,” Membrillo added. Instead of just advertising at your potential customers, you need to open up a personalized conversation that is two sided – interactive content does just that. Take, for instance, this interactive email gem from organic food and coffee company Pret, showcasing their summer drink menu. This results with more time spent on your content, and higher sharing rates which could lead to getting your content viral. For that reason, content such as quizzes and calculators have become increasingly popular with audiences. Generating traffic to a website is always one of the primary goals of any digital marketing campaign, and it can be well achieved through interactive content. It tends to have a triple-net effect.”. If you want your content marketing to stand out, make it something people can play with.. Why interactive content is leading the digital marketing revolution. Interactive content marketing equals increased sales by engaging customers in a way they couldn’t previously be engaged. For her part, marketing consultant Olga Tsimaraki pointed to the quiz on the website of DTC haircare brand Function of Beauty, which asks visitors for information about their hair, goals, and fragrance and color preferences to come up with a personalized product recommendations. 4950 . ... Now, before you dive into creating interactive content, ask yourself a few questions. And it’s only getting worse. Interactive content marketing is more than just a trend – it’s becoming an important staple of marketing plans everywhere. 7 Great Examples of B2B Interactive Marketing Content. 13 Interactive Content Marketing Examples. Because what just tempted you to click, is called Interactive Content. Just take a look at the 96% completion rate on BuzzFeed quizzes. Easy to create, deployable on all your channels (website, blog, apps…) and incredibly efficient, interactive content enriches your digital marketing channels and offers a new field of possibilities. 4950 . Samantha Moss, editor and content ambassador of relationship blog Romantific, noted it’s a form of content that helps brands target the right consumers. Content 360 by MARKETING-INTERACTIVE brings content strategy to life like no other event! Creative Newsletter Names: 75+ Ideas and Real Examples to Inspire You, 4 Powerful Visual Marketing Tools To Enchant Your Audience and Boost ROI, Content Marketing KPIs: Which Metrics Should You Track? How Interactive Content Adds Value to Content Marketing. Smith is a freelance writer who has covered the digital marketing industry for more than a decade. It's also helpful for customers because it gives them the ability to learn or … Make an impact with interactive content Capture your buyers’ attention, keep them engaged, and speed their journey to becoming a customer. Consider Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, an interactive film released by Netflix.On its own, Bandersnatch is a so-so movie, many critics said, but since it allows viewers to select which narrative path the protagonist takes — in the vein of a choose-your-own-adventure book — it became a hit. It takes full advantage of the opportunities provided by the online experience. It is just a category of content marketing that is currently taking shape, and brands are just beginning to experiment with it. Sometimes, interactive marketing content can be widely shareable to gain new followers, especially in the case of quizzes and open polls. Per Heilers, in addition to netting backlinks, it increased the amount of time people spent on the website. Interactive content is THE solution adopted by an increasing number of marketers to improve conversion rate and reinforce audience engagement. The new (old) world: Interactive content marketing. “It’s hard to remember every semi-hidden tip over 10 years, but we’ve got you covered.”. 6 Best Interactive Content To Boost Marketing in 2020. Interactive marketing content performs better than content that is static. Let us show you how Repurpose tired content into results-focused interactivity. 7 of 20 most shared articles on Buzzfeed were quizzes. That's because this stuff works. Interactive content delivers the desired results by: “Interactive content allows the reader to actively participate, as opposed to passively reading, watching or listening.”. The short answer is yes. It can easily be described as content that requires users to experience it actively instead of passively – reading an article or even watching a video is a passive marketing experience. “This will create better-converting funnels in the long term.”. According to ion interactive, 70 percent of marketers say that interactive content is effective at … What Interactive Marketing does is boost your results by capturing the public’s interest. Michael Peggs is the founder of Marccx Media, a content marketing agency where content attracts clients. No credit card required. It’s spectacular. Interactive content cuts through all the noise and gives your audience something refreshing and unexpected. Interactive content is indeed more engaging: BuzzFeed said. If your content doesn’t provide value to your audience, no one is reading it – regardless of interactivity. It finds a way to keep users interested when they are exposed to content all the time. What is Interactive Content Marketing? This method involves participation. These examples illustrate the range of possibilities for interactives content that you can create to start accruing back links, attracting site visitors, and more. Interactive content helps brands stand out by creating immersive experiences. Interactive Marketing Content: The Data. Unfortunately, easy to produce does not always mean quality. Instant set-up. As a way to keep audiences engaged, more and more marketing professionals are recognizing the benefits of interactive marketing content. That reason, content such as quizzes and calculators have become increasingly popular with.... Own path to receive information is its built-in social media marketing of prospects this will create better-converting funnels in new. 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