harm happens. The answer is probably “no”. This topic was front and center in the ACHE of Massachusetts’ Conference titled, “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare: Tools for Implementing Actionable Strategies.” Some of the known perks include: A broader range of skills and experience on your team; “For decades,” says The New York Times, “companies and top business schools have preached the gospel of tying pay to all manner of business goals, like stock performance and profits.” But the Times article then notes that research by Pearl Meyer, a compensation consulting firm, showed that only 78 of about 3,000 companies said that hitting diversity goals affected some part of chief executives’ pay. This enables companies to identify the … — are not as easy to capture. Using BCG’s Diversity and Inclusion Assessment for Leadership tool, we are able to benchmark data against industry and geography, leveraging our existing database of more than 25,000 responses from across the globe. espouses that leaders’ alignment of behaviors and procedures to organizational values is vital to building positive workplaces. Ultimately, it may be the business metrics you are already tracking that best capture the progress your organization is making on its D&I ambitions. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Diversity. The scorecard is reviewed and reported out monthly and is used in part to determine 15% of executive bonuses and between 10% and 15% of manager bonuses. form.onSuccess(function(values, followUpUrl){ No single set of numbers is best for everyone, but here are some examples of metrics that companies are using to increase diversity and create a more inclusive workforce culture. Performance Issues – One quantitative measure of inclusion is in performance measurements. Here are a few metric practices that can propel your diversity efforts forward and lead to success you can measure: Many companies now track workforce composition by gender, race, and age. We all intuitively know that diversity is good, but that rationale won’t sway a skeptical CFO or boardroom. “Our own data,” she says, “has shown us that our more diverse and inclusive teams are significantly safer, which is the most important metric in mining; more productive in some areas of production; and definitely more engaged.”. Many quantitative measures focus on the amount or number of persons in an organization based on traditional affirmative action definitions. As a company’s inclusion … A company’s demographic makeup has never been more relevant. Create a regular cadence by which progress around the DEI strategy and initiatives is shared and provide a call to action for employees to engage in initiatives. Of course, the final critical piece is to actually measure these results and make adjustments. To receive blog posts like this one straight in your inbox, subscribe to the blog newsletter. The benefits of diversity measurement In the post #metoo world, diversity and inclusion are integral to most conversations about positive work environments. “It’s not the end-all and be-all. She’s been tasked with overseeing the company’s efforts to get to 50% women in its workforce by 2025. form.getFormElem().hide(); But you can’t stop at prioritizing diversity in and of itself. Diversity is being invited to the party and inclusion is being asked to dance (Verna A. Myers, 2011). Best practices, the latest research, and breaking news, delivered right to your inbox. The quantitative part examines how many women and minority employees are hired, retained, and promoted. Adding a question around this campaign to employee engagement or pulse surveys can provide insight into whether or not the messaging is being incorporated into everyday interactions. What are foundational ways that companies can demonstrate their investment to drive change towards incorporating DEI initiatives and how are leaders important in that? While there are a lot of diversity (representation) metrics, the inclusion part is hard to measure. Diversity ≠ Inclusion. *Editor’s note: Download our full Diversity and Inclusion Handbook for more than 70 pages of tangible strategies to help you cultivate diversity and inclusion on your team, including diversity goals and objectives. These cookies do not store any personal information. Your team members crave transparency. Surveys are the perfect tool for measuring the … Learn More. The qualitative part looks at aspects such as mentoring and support for employee resource groups. This isn’t easy work and there’s no consensus yet on the absolute best approach. Creating companies that allow every employee, regardless of background, to reach their potential and to feel included is the right thing for business. These surveys dive deeper into employee opinions which can help you with your D&I efforts. “It’s like the canary in the coal mine,” Fiona says. The reason is that inclusion is a feeling, and as any feeling, it is hard to quantify it objectively. While progress towards goals of inclusion and diversity are typically mid to long term, be intentional about socializing and celebrating short term milestones. Remember: what you measure grows and what grows should uncover something unexpected. Thanks to partners who share this mission, EVERFI’s online resources for teachers are available at no The scorecard is reviewed and reported monthly. HCL Technologies in India focuses on getting more women into middle and senior management. Recent research conducted by HR.com’s HR Research Institute espouses that leaders’ alignment of behaviors and procedures to organizational values is vital to building positive workplaces. Diversity and inclusion metrics are used to identify risk areas, prioritise initiatives, set targets and other program goals, assign accountability, and measure the impact of initiatives. Make no mistake, a scorecard and executive accountability can help drive change — 41% of Sodexo’s North American leaders are from underrepresented groups, 40% are women. “With the scorecards,” says Molly Ford, the vice president of global equality programs at Salesforce, “we’re using data to speak to executives in a language they’re used to.” Quarterly scorecards are also created to share with senior leaders in an operations review staff meeting. Fiona Vines, the head of inclusion and diversity and workforce transition at BHP in Australia, pays particular attention to retention data. While your Talent/Human Resources team may be the flywheel to analyzing the workforce and workplace culture, there is shared accountability and ownership in creating and executing these goals by every person in the organization whether they are an individual contributor, have P&L responsibility, or manage a midsize team. According to her, teams often rush to set goals without intent. At the height of the #metoo debate in the nation's entertainment sector, actress Francis McDormand used her 2018 Academy Award acceptance speech to promote the "inclusion rider." This project management software tool helps to track and measure effectiveness of diversity and inclusion initiatives, and has the capability to track diversity events (both internal and external) such as ERG meetings along with outreach activities among many others. Creating a common vocabulary of concepts and expectations through scaled training and in-person learning experiences is one effective way to ensure that team members are operating from a shared understanding. Diversity can be seen as a good thing in and of itself. Benchmarking against the industry, assessing gaps in representation, advancement, attrition rates, and pay are all … We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. As companies continue to work on better their diversity and inclusion efforts, they're often turning to data as a means to drive improvement. The business value of diversity and inclusion (D&I) is clear. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Leading communities by supporting holistic youth mental health & wellness education for middle and high school students. As companies continue to elevate and prioritize their diversity and inclusion efforts, they have increasingly looked for ways to use data as both a meter and a motor, a tool to track improvement and to drive it. MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form){ Many progressive organizations are also choosing to transparently tell their stories externally, as well. BHP was at 17% when Fiona arrived in 2016, so she started looking at the attrition rate of women vs. the rate for men. Focused efforts on building the foundational skills needed to build empowered and financially capable Look out for our next newsletter, coming soon. This illuminates a key part of any DEI strategy – invest in the skill-building of your leaders and people managers. Longer-term measures being tracked over time include the demographic composition of our campus, shifts in climate and indicators of equity across populations. Quantitative measurements are aligned with basic principles of affirmative action. Embed diversity and inclusion in line managers’ roles; they have a key role to play, behaving in an inclusive way and contributing to diversity goals. This is the workplace culture imperative that aligns with every business’ desire to drive innovation, productivity, employee engagement, and performance. Measuring what matters when discussing diversity and inclusion also involves evaluating if the dedicated resources, both fiscal and human capital, are strategically sufficient for the programs launched, policies influenced, and practices changed by centering your workplace culture on inclusion. Once there is muscle built around inclusive leadership practices, create expectations and accountability by incorporating a focus on DEI into the talent and performance management processes that make the most sense for your organization. The U-M Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ODEI) leads and provides primary support for evaluation and assessment of the U-M DEI Strategic Plan implementation. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. It needs to be measured at quite a low level in the company because that’s the way you find where your hot spots are.”. Every person in your organization is coming to the conversation about diversity, equity and inclusion from a place that has been shaped by their lived experiences and perspectives. Using Employee Surveys to Measure Inclusion. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Indeed, diversity, equity, and inclusion must be built in to a healthcare organization’s overall strategy, and there must be ways to measure results. EVERFI designs global ethics and compliance courses that educate employees on important skills relating to harassment, diversity, security and culture—protecting your people and your bottom line. Many Canadian cities have diversity and inclusion plans and they all look pretty good on paper. In other words, diversity is the representation of a range of traits and experiences in a company’s workforce. A metric in this case can be formulated as: Power your organization’s social impact initiatives through meaningful digital education programs. A coalition of corporations, nonprofits, and educators committed to mitigating the negative impact of The paper is aimed at D&I professionals, however, anyone interested about workplace inclusion may find it handy. At Ceridian, we define diversity as a measure of difference in identity; things like gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, ability, or religion. While this is also the title of a popular book on objectives and key results, the idea of measuring what matters is critical to making true progress toward creating a healthy, inclusive workplace culture for a diverse workforce. Most of the work I did when I was a dean of equity and inclusion orbited around the concept of inclusion and the challenges it creates in an increasingly polarized society. is about quantity; inclusion is about quality. But he keeps an eye on the number of allies who are active in ERGs. “I want to give my executives,” Molly says, “the same rigor that they’re looking at their pipeline or their sales numbers, the same rigor that they’re looking at their people analytics data and dashboard.”. Your team members crave transparency. Workplace diversity has become one of the main challenges and top priorities for recruitment and other HR departments. “It’s the best measure of a change that is structural and that is critical to the broader conversation about why men and women don’t participate equally in different aspects of life.”, Cindy at Schwab looks at the growth and vitality of her company’s employee resource groups. To gather more information about a topic, like diversity and inclusion, you can use a pulse survey. Gathering information around certain types of diversity — gender, race, age — is usually pretty straightforward (and in many cases even legally required). But she really zeroes in on what Schwab’s ERGs are doing. skills they need for success–now and in the future. Build a more ethical workplace and strengthen your company culture with effective HR and compliance Benchmarking against the industry, assessing gaps in representation, advancement, attrition rates, and pay are all indicators of your biggest opportunities to prioritize. EVERFI empowers educators to bring real-world learning into the classroom and equip students with the Amongst them is the study from, (2018) that demonstrated a statistically significant correlation between having above-average diversity of management teams and innovation revenue; a 19% increase over companies with below-average leadership diversity. Fiona says attrition is still slightly higher for women, but it has shrunk considerably. She studies the number of employee resource groups (ERGs) and the number of participants. cost. And that can create an environment that both minority and nonminority employees find disgruntling. However, measuring diversity and its many impacts can be a challenge, given its intangible nature. Diversity and inclusion are often treated as synonyms or strung together like a hyphenated last name. There are now a number of statistics to support the “business case” for diversity. Kellie Wagner is the founder and CEO of Collective, a diversity, equity, and inclusion consultancy. training. students. Veteran D&I practitioners often have a softer metric — one unrelated to hiring and promotions — that they pay particular attention to. “[D]iversity initiatives that are too rigid, or treat nonminority candidates unfairly, or have a demonstrable negative impact on others based primarily on profile factors such as gender, age, or race, could trigger claims of discrimination from job applicants or employees who do not fall within the parameters of the company’s diversity targets,” warns a blog post from Jill Kahn Marshall, a partner at Reavis Page Jump LLP, a law firm with offices in New York and Connecticut. Strict hiring and promotion quotas can also undermine employee engagement and morale by suggesting that people are being hired or promoted because of something other than performance. Taken together, these data points underscore the importance of focusing on diversity, increasing representation of the voices that are at the table, and layering that with a culture where people use those voices authentically, and feel psychologically safe to contribute the fullness of their ideas. We’re tracking how the perception of our employees about inclusion is evolving.”. But a scorecard, particularly when linked to compensation, is fraught with dangers both legal and managerial. digital education. is the measure; inclusion is the mechanism (Deloitte, Engaging the 21st Century Workforce, 2016) . Compiling metrics into a scorecard is a way to increase visibility and accountability. Inclusion, on the other hand, is where independent schools are most tested, and it’s the realm that necessitates the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion offices. The scorecard tracks the number and percentage of women and underrepresented minorities in that leader’s organization as well as the number of women and underrepresented minorities hired into their organization in the previous month, the number promoted, and the number who left the company. Diversity and inclusion include company’s mission, efforts and practices to support a diverse workplace and leverage the effects of diversity to achieve a competitive business advantage.. document.getElementById('confirmform2').setAttribute("style", " display: block;") “A lot of companies are unclear about why they're setting these goals. “It’s really important to look at your data to understand what your representation looks like right now,” says Cindy Owyoung, the vice president of inclusion, culture, and change at Charles Schwab, “and where you might have some opportunities for improvement.” Businesses will often look at the composition of their teams by seniority level, as well, to see where development opportunities and efforts can drive significant change. “It is literally the metric that tells you your workforce is not inclusive. Additionally, a study from Deloitte showed that organizations with an inclusive culture are 3x as likely to be high performing. So what is the “formula” for getting the approach to diversity, inclusion, and equity right? “If you have a women’s employee resource group,” Damien says, “do you have any men who are part of it? And how does a company even begin to assess inclusion and belonging? of an organization that is leaning into and being transparent current representation and diversity goals. By using our site you agree to our use of cookies to deliver a better site experience. While it may be enticing to “do all of the things”, your organization will be better served by having a strategy in place with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals that focus on programs, policies and processes and have been created collaboratively. The first step is to step back and evaluate the best practices and opportunities that exist within the organization, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Amongst them is the study from Boston Consulting Group (2018) that demonstrated a statistically significant correlation between having above-average diversity of management teams and innovation revenue; a 19% increase over companies with below-average leadership diversity. programs focused on K-12 education. One way to measure inclusion is to use surveys. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Additionally, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were … This illuminates a key part of any DEI strategy – invest in the skill-building of your leaders and people managers. //Add an onSuccess handler Inclusion, diversity, and belonging are essentially about organizational change. Keep track of the diversity in your talent pipeline, in your applicant pools, and, importantly, on your interview panels and hiring committees. Are the percentages and numbers of the workforce aligned with the general workforce of the local area, state, or nation? Institutions with a shared commitment to prevention and sharing strategies for tackling issues before showed that organizations with an inclusive culture are 3x as likely to be high performing. communities. When you have members of a minority group who are leaving at a higher rate, that’s telling you something is wrong, and it helps steer you to where the problems are. Diversity is about numerical representation―the percentage of people with one attribute versus another. Creating an “all in” campaign that outlines the habits everyone in your organization should embody both help to create shared ownership and drives a sense of urgency that is needed to sustain an organizational shift to a codified set of behaviors. Many progressive organizations are also choosing to transparently tell their stories externally, as well. Learn more about EVERFI's digital Diversity & Inclusion Training! Case in point: McKinsey & Company’s 2018 “Delivering through Diversity” report stated companies in the top quartile for ethnic/cultural diversity on executive teams were 33 percent more likely to have industry-leading profitability. In addition to being a good moral choice, diversity recruiting also provides many tangible benefits for performance, innovation, and productivity. So, it tracks how many women, if any, report to the CEO, to each of his direct reports, and to each of their direct reports. Create a regular cadence by which progress around the DEI strategy and initiatives is shared and provide a call to action for employees to engage in initiatives. Accenture is a great example of an organization that is leaning into and being transparent current representation and diversity goals. An organization may establish quantitative measures based on: Representation: What is the workforce profileof the organization? What has emerged is a growing sense that no single set of numbers is right for everyone, that the best, most effective metrics will be a blended approach that starts with representation measures — who have you hired, retained, and promoted — and adds data that provides insights into how inclusive the company culture is. Every month, the Office of Equality at Salesforce delivers a diversity scorecard to leaders who have more than 500 reports or who have a “large ability” to hire. Once there is muscle built around inclusive leadership practices, create expectations and accountability by incorporating a focus on DEI into the talent and performance management processes that make the most sense for your organization. As BHP started making inroads on its goal to bring gender parity to its workforce, Fiona Vines noted something powerful in the data they were mining. Diversity refers to who’s at work: who is recruited, hired, and promoted by a company. Additionally, a study from. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The aperture for a DEI strategy can become very wide, very quickly. In fact, they are quite different. Workplace diversity not only expands your talent pool, but allows each member of your organization to draw from the backgrounds, viewpoints, and experiences of fellow team members – but you already knew that.The question isn’t whether diversity is important, but “How can my company measure diversi… Taken together, these data points underscore the importance of focusing on diversity, increasing representation of the voices that are at the table. This is the workplace culture imperative that aligns with every business’ desire to drive innovation, productivity, employee engagement, and performance. One way to measure and adjust your D&I initiatives is to ask employees about their experience directly. To date, over a hundred companies in North America, Asia, and Europe have gathered diversity and inclusion feedback through the Culture Amp platform. You are asking every person to create habits to act with intentionality, which can be a culture shift. Consider an example. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Key questions when putting your organization under a magnifying glass are: Measuring what matters when discussing diversity and inclusion also involves evaluating if the dedicated resources, both fiscal and human capital, are strategically sufficient for the programs launched, policies influenced, and practices changed by centering your workplace culture on inclusion. }); Make sure your company looks not only at hiring, retention, and promotion numbers but at how managers mentor, sponsor, and otherwise develop diverse talent. While it may be enticing to “do all of the things”, your organization will be better served by having a strategy in place with SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Bound) goals that focus on programs, policies and processes. In the United States, for example, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has told companies to be careful about setting targets that discriminate against nonminority candidates or employees. //get the form's jQuery element and hide it How many non-Latinx folks are part of your Latinx employee resource group and are contributing to it or coming and listening to it?”, Employee engagement surveys can also be a useful source of metrics that look beyond representation. 87% of EVERFI learners feel better equipped to be an ally. }); Thanks! Workforce diversity is a fast-growing trend in the business world and with good reason. See how athletes, entertainers, sports teams and corporations are launching community engagement While your Talent/Human Resources team may be the flywheel to analyzing the workforce and workplace culture, there is shared accountability and ownership in creating and executing these goals by every person in the organization whether they are an individual contributor, have P&L responsibility, or manage a midsize team. “I don’t want to mislead anyone,” says Gerri Mason Hall, the chief diversity and social responsibility officer at Sodexo Americas. There are now a number of statistics to support the “business case” for diversity. While progress towards goals of inclusion and diversity are typically mid to long term, be intentional about socializing and celebrating short term milestones. Jill Kahn Marshall’s blog post suggests that employers adopt “policies that focus on flexible targets which allow managers to factor diversity into their decision-making as a ‘plus,’ while continuing to consider all candidates, inclusively, and without overreactive or unreasonably heightened emphasis on profile.”. Athletes, entertainers, sports teams and corporations are launching community engagement programs focused K-12! Your inbox more about EVERFI 's digital diversity & inclusion training HR find. Showed that organizations with an inclusive culture are 3x as likely to be an ally topic, like and... Intentional about socializing and celebrating short term milestones, state, or nation and performance learning into classroom. Many impacts can be a challenge, given its intangible nature sodexo Americas developed a D & efforts! Everfi learners feel better equipped to be high performing are often treated as synonyms or strung together like a last... 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