To Support Customers in Easily and Affordably Obtaining the Latest Peer-Reviewed Research, Copyright © 1988-2021, IGI Global - All Rights Reserved, Additionally, Enjoy an Additional 5% Pre-Publication Discount on all Forthcoming Reference Books, Ekpatt, AniediAbasi Okon. Ancestor worship is the almost universal religion of Africa. God is not their equal – hence ancestors becomes abridge between the lower and higher being. McVeigh (1974:148) says: A God who is so inscrutable is best left on the periphery of life. The Jews like the Africans, worship the intermediary Gods. Very simple and basic daily efforts can help alleviate our ancestral distress and give momentum to ancestral spirits in their afterlife. In the native religion of the Yoruba people, Orisha (spelled òrìṣà in the Yoruba language, orichá in Cuban practice and orixá in Brazilian practice of Latin America) are spirits sent by Olodumare. Among the visible beings were humans, animals and plants. There is no heaven or hell.”- Dalian Adofo. wide range of conceptual models are developed and used in research and/or practice focusing on educational technology integration. (b) Give the occasions when sacrifices were offered in Traditional African communities. We conducted a review of conceptual models to clarify the concepts and approaches used in the practice of modeling adoption in agriculture. Animism builds the core concept of traditional African religions, this includes the worship of tutelary deities, nature worship, ancestor worship and the belief in an afterlife.While some religions adopted a pantheistic worldview, most follow a polytheistic system with various gods, spirits and other supernatural beings. (c) State six aspects of traditional … He adds that the word ancestor denotes a human being, and Africans worship God alone. - I renounce all false beliefs and philosophies inherited by my ancestors in the name of Jesus. Tozer (1994:11) famously suggests that “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us”. Selected Aspects In African Religious Heritage: African Concept of God, Spirits And Ancestors; African Moral and Cultural Values; CRE Form 1 Notes Study Questions with answers for all topics; WhatsApp us +254 700 755976 to request for hard copy. 2 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, becaus e many false prophets have gone out into the world. Integrated 3D Modeling adaptation on infrastructure has been slow due to technical challenges, such as the lack of interoperability between software. The most significant similarity between the African God and the Biblical God is the fundamental belief in a deity. defined, explained, and measured, causing agricultural extension and policy to rely on a body of literature that is often not able to offer clear recommendations on the variables or mechanisms that can be used to design interventions. I give praise to the universe I give praise to mother earth I give praise to all of nature and its beings I give praise to all my guiding spirits I give praise to my ancestors I give praise to all that came before me in this struggle I give praise to my elders I give praise to all those who have cared for me, protected me, guided me and loved me I give praise to…. The belief in ancestors stands central in the traditional African thought and is an essential pillar of religion practiced in Africa (Stinton 2004:133–134). Atheistic tendencies in Africa are minimal. (2021). Igala mythology. God (Supreme Being): There is a widespread belief in God who is believed to be supreme and above all; God is essentially a spirit and is recognized as such in all the African tribes. Early missionaries made a complete pig’s ear of their research in this respect and seem to have delighted in cataloging as many ‘heathen’ Gods as … They reward good deeds and punish bad deeds. namely: 3D CAD modeling, Bridge Sustainability Rating System (BrSRS), Bridge Environmental Performance Strategy Mapping (BrEPSM), and conceptual cost estimating. (Eds. The model incorporates a rule-based expert system and four modules, Basically keywords are used to index and retrieve the documents for the user query in a conventional information retrieval systems. An examination of the characteristics of Nana Nyame reveals a traditional African worldview that has respect for the plurality, mystery, and the relational nature of God, ultimate reality, and existence itself. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. Other articles where Ancestor worship is discussed: African religions: Ritual and religious specialists: Ancestors also serve as mediators by providing access to spiritual guidance and power. With at least 70 years of research in the adoption of agricultural innovations, there has been a proliferation of adoption models, both conceptual and numerical. Gods are often known by several names. When people die, the energy is released into the ethos. . Let the light I offer be a “beacon of hope” and serve as an escape and protective shield from the shadows of despair. 5 Traditional African ways of: a) worshipping God. They are also seen as great and ancient ancestor spirits by some and to be higher than the Nguni. In his book, ‘The living dead and the living God,’ Klaus Nurnberger (2007: 37) says that “Effective authority must be existentially present. Africans believe in the existence of a mystical, invisible, hidden, spiritual power in the universe. (a) What was the role of ancestors in Traditional African Communities? He is believed to be both distant from men and near to him. The concept of God, divinities and spirits in African traditional religious ontology has been so misunderstood by many scholars to the point of seeing Africans as people who did not know the Supreme Being nor worship Him. African spirituality is about liberation according to Adofo. for the guidance of all creation and of humanity in particular, on how to live and be successful on Àiyé (Earth). Concepts of God, Divinities, Ancestors, and Spirits in African Traditional Religious Thought: Conceptual Analysis January 2021 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4595-9.ch002 The calling to be a Sangoma or shaman is believed to come from various ancestor spirits and your direct ancestor spirits. relationship between the related keywords in terms of semantics to produce the accurate results which have paved the way for semantic search. Attachment to these spirits is still extremely strong and much of the Shona behavior and ethical conduct can be explained by this belief. In order to effectively use technology in education, appropriate conceptual understandings are needed to guide the integration process. This paper seeks to examine how Africans conceive of the Supreme Being, divinities and spirits. Their major function is mediation between God and man. African Pentecostal Churches are not an exception. In addition to the belief in deity, the Supreme Being of Africa largely overlaps conceptually with the identity and work of the biblical God. Basics. Africans rather see the divinities as special beings, offspring, and/or apparitional beings who receive their authority from the supreme being to serve in the unitary theocratic system of the supreme being's government. Enekpe. While some religions adopted a pantheistic worldview, most follow a polytheistic system with various gods, spirits … Who Are the Orishas? Soko. Followers of traditional African religion believe that ancestors maintain a spiritual connection with their living relatives. Their healers mainly use ukufemba as their medium of healing. The spirit world is the most pervasive worldview. 2 African understanding of the hierarchy of beings. Educational Technology Research and Development. Some people liken the Orishas to gods … 8.2. The Ndebele believe that uMlimo is the oldest ancestor and the consult him through amadhlozi. It is common knowledge that the African preachers of the leading denominations consult witch doctors. Concepts of God, Divinities, Ancestors, and Spirits in African Traditional Religious Thought: Conceptual Analysis. This paper seeks to examine how Africans conceive of the Supreme Being, divinities and spirits. O’Donovan (1995: 41) goes as far as suggesting that “there is probably no native-born African who is not aware of the existence of God”. Findings from this review can be considered by adoption researchers and modelers in their work to assist policy and extension efforts to improve the uptake of future beneficial agricultural innovations. It’s purpose is to connect with the ancestors’ energy for guidance. The ancestors are close to the humans and serve as their custodians. with, and even scold. When Africans need to connect spiritually it is imperative to first connect with African culture research African history most importantly honor your ancestors. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the author. They create a sense of security for the community. The ancestors are without question the most prominent aspect of African religion, in fact, they are the heart of the African spirit world. In the hierarchically ordered world of African Traditional Religion, God is the ancestor, par excellence. The Gods, Goddesses, Spirits and legendary characters of African mythology. The believed to be Go’s lieutenants who are given ministerial functions by God. The concept of god, divinities, ancestors, and spirits in African traditional religious ontology has been misunderstood by many scholars to the point of seeing Africans as people who did not know the supreme being nor worship him. The Jews too do not worship En-Sof. Ontology: A set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them. Although African religions have not embarked on a systematic theology, the myths, rituals, and stories of the gods and ancestors point to a profound statement on moral justice. In African indigenous religions, the principal deities, spirits, gods, ancestors, and personal and impersonal forces are regarded as active agents in the created world, with theistic and nontheistic notions of supernatural forces embedded in the various cosmologies. Njambi. Traditional African belief is overwhelmingly monotheistic. 8.2. The belief remains that there is an interaction between the invisible and visible worlds (2007;377). The above concept share light to the way some Africans communicate in life, In his argument on ancestor-worship he stated that 'there are ancestors who have become anthropomorphic gods, who coexist with the deification of natural phenomena and who Ancestor worship and belief is an extension of a belief in and respect for elders. Modern Africans, like their ancestors, do not worship Tu-SoS, which they variously call Olodumare, Osanobua, Chukwu. Ancestors can offer advice and bestow good fortune and honor to their living dependents, but they can also make demands, such as insisting that their shrines be properly maintained and propitiated. b) venerating and communicating with spirits and ancestors God was the creator of the universe. In an effort to partially fill this gap, a versatile model with 3D Modeling capabilities was developed to assist in designing sustainable bridges at the conceptual design stage. Mbiti (1969:178) disputes the use of the term worship, yet he accepts that in the worship of God, in some cases, sacrifices and offerings are directed to one or more of the following: God, spirits and the living dead (ancestors). Question: "What does the Bible say about ancestor worship?" Suggestions for further research in the field include: questioning whether the adoption of all technologies and practices can be represented by the same adoption or learning process, exploring the dynamics in the relationship between adopters and technology before and after adoption, and questioning the basic assumptions behind the process of individual decision-making models and the role of collective decision-making. Therefore, the main goals of this article are to: (1) develop criteria to assess the quality and scope of conceptual models and (2) identify and compare exemplary models for technology integration in educational settings along with these quality criteria. We also detected inconsistencies in how different elements are treated in different conceptual models, particularly behavioral elements such as attitudes, motivations, intentions, and external influences. The ancestor is a human being that fulfilled his/her destiny, or God-given purpose, in life and achieves metaphysical completion in death. If there were calamities such as drought, disease, famine, and death, itwas an indication that God, spirits and ancestors were displeased with humankind. Various research work has been carried out on concept based information retrieval to tackle the difficulties that are caused by the conventional keyword search and the semantic search systems. Today, there is a wide range of conceptual models that are developed and used in research and/or practice focusing on educational technology integration. Integrating 3D Modeling, Sustainability and Cost Estimating at the Conceptual Design Stage of Bridge... An Art of Review on Conceptual based Information Retrieval, Understanding the Adoption of Innovations in Agriculture: A Review of Selected Conceptual Models, In book: Phenomenological Approaches to Religion and Spirituality (pp.18-43). Death is not a sufficient condition for becoming an ancestor. 1. Ancestors and wilderness Spirits. OLUPONA: The role of ancestors in the African cosmology has always been significant. - I break all curses on my finances from any ancestors that cheated or mishandled money in the name of Jesus. This chapter concludes by suggesting that there is the need for proper religious education, a theology of enculturation, and understanding of African worldviews in order to sustain Africans' beliefs and practices. Africans were seen as worshipping strange god(s). "Concepts of God, Divinities, Ancestors, and Spirits in African Traditional Religious Thought: Conceptual Analysis." uMndau (Ndau) (Mandawe): Spirits of the male Ndau tribe warriors. In addition, the conceptual information that are extracted from the different sources for utilizing the semantic representation by the existing systems have been discussed. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Our review covered a range of modeling approaches for diffusion and individual adoption, illustrating different perspectives used in the literature. All spirit beings are endowed with certain powers and they apply these powers upon the humans for their good or for their harm. I offer guidance to my ancestors and spirits by way of the Guardian Angels and Protective Spirits who by the power and order of God will assist them in their greater act of evolution. It is a cry of hope by our deceased ancestors as after death they are in the form of a subtle body or spirits and cannot do spiritual practice. - I bind and rebuke all familiar spirits and spirit guides that would try to operate in my life from ancestors in the name of Jesus. ... African God/dess of Creation. The authority of the most proximate ancestors is present. Ancestor worship is wrong because it goes against God’s specific warnings about such worship, and it seeks to replace Jesus Christ as the Divine Mediator between God and mankind. The African concept of God, Spirits and Ancestors. The spirit world is believed to be a radically different world, it is also a carbon copy of the countries where [the ancestors] lived in this life ( For example, farming activities involved God, spirits and ancestors. In defining the religious worldview of Africa, Mbiti stresses the fact that the spirit world of the African people is very densely populated with spirit beings, spirits and the living-dead or the spirits of the ancestors (Mbiti, 1969:75). Concepts of God, Divinities, Ancestors, and Spirits in African Traditional Religious Thought: Conceptual Analysis: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4595-9.ch002: The concept of god, divinities, ancestors, and spirits in African traditional religious ontology has been misunderstood by many scholars to the point of As such, they are ministers of god with derived power. I offer prayer and protection by way of the Divine Creator for those ancestral souls and spirits that are in darkness, forgotten, or lost. In conclusion, the Ndebele concept of uMlimo is as common as any other African conception of God. Traditional Africans have a three tier view of the world, similar to that of the ancient Hebrews, consisting of the sky, the earth, which includes land and water, and the area under the earth, which is the abode of the ancestors (Kalu 2000:56). Ancestor worship is found in many cultures all across the world. 8.2. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that does not acknowledg e Jesus is not from God. The concept of God, divinities and spirits in African traditional religious ontology has been so misunderstood by many scholars to the point of seeing Africans as people who did not know the Supreme Being nor worship Him. Comparatively viewed, African ancestor worship has a remarkably uniform structural framework. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. When more than one keywords are used for defining the single concept in the documents and in the queries, inaccurate and incomplete results were produced by keyword based retrieval systems. The spirit beings are usually divided into two categories: (1) the spirits of the dead elders (the ancestors) and (2) the non-human spirit beings. This paper aims at elucidating various representation of text that is responsible for retrieving relevant search results, approaches along with the evaluation that are carried out in conceptual information retrieval, the challenges faced by the existing research to expatiate requirements of future research. african concepts of: divinities spirits ancestors magic & medcine Divinities Nature: = Second most important Element in African Belief Structure =Essentially regarded as intermediaries Between SB and Humans =Venerated (Not Worshiped) as central figures in African Religious Belief Through devotions in rituals during ceremonies and Festivals Honoring the Ancestors is of primary importance in all Lucumí rituals and practices. Answer: Ancestor worship involves religious beliefs and practices consisting of prayers and offerings to the spirits of dead relatives. I want to write very briefly here about the various kinds of spirits that can be part of a shamanic calling and become your guides or possess you as you do the work of the ancestors. In African indigenous religions, the principal deities, spirits, gods, ancestors, and personal and impersonal forces are regarded as active agents in the created world, with theistic and nontheistic notions of supernatural forces embedded in the various cosmologies. Herero God of Creation. Other articles where Ancestor worship is discussed: African religions: Ritual and religious specialists: Ancestors also serve as mediators by providing access to spiritual guidance and power. The body disappears, but the energy doesn’t go anywhere. Satan has always sought to supplant God, and he uses lies about worshiping other gods and even ancestors to try to lead people away from the truth of God’s existence. Against this backdrop, the researcher undertook this study to show that the concept of god is not strange to Africans and that in traditional Africa there is no atheist. The Shona individual owes all the goodness and decency that go to make up his Unhu to the vadzimu. Additionally, manual interventions are required for determining the, Models can provide a structured way to think about adoption and provide a method to investigate the impacts of different factors in the adoption process. We have tried to collect as many Holy Aliases as possible. He is believed to be the creator of the world the sovereign ruler of the whole universe and all that is in it – man, animal, and plants. Different spirits are believed to inhabit all three regions. Gods, Spirits and Ancestors. In terms of modeling, the main implication of these inconsistencies is the difficulty to generate quantitative evidence to support these models since multiple interpretations make it difficult to achieve consistency in the definition of observable, measurable variables that can be used to quantify cause-effect relationships. It is better to focus one’s attention on such entities as the ancestors who, while also retaining characteristics of Africans believed in existence of a supreme being who lived in mountains, clouds and the sky. Traditional African belief is overwhelmingly monotheistic. Ancestor cults and ancestor worship loom large in the anthropological image of sub-Saharan Africa. African Concept of God, Spirits and Ancestors. They profess habits of truth, justice, honesty, good character, and diligence. Selected Aspects In African Religious Heritage: African Concept Of God Selected Old Testament Prophets And Their Teachings Similarities Between The Traditional African Myths And The Biblical Accounts Of Creation SIN SINAI COVENANT: MOSES Spirits Spirits And Ancestors Steps In The Formation/ Sealing Of The Covenant Today, there are a. Ancestor worship. I am merely stating the case of those who believe in the system of ancestor ship. The model aims to provide bridge type recommendations, allow customization of a sustainable bridge, illustrate forecasted footprint levels, present the conceptual design in AutoCAD’s 3-dimensional (3D) mode, facilitate a recalculation process when the bridge’s dimensions are altered, and generate a conceptual cost estimate. The resulting five criteria from this investigation provide the means to effectively evaluate the quality and scope of conceptual models focused on technology integration while providing additional insight into applying these models in research and practice. I believe this assertion to be correct and so the question, “How do African concepts of God relate to the God of the Bible?” is most worthy of our consideration. The need to explore the prevailing religious belief patterns of the African becomes mandatory in any serious study of African Pentecostal spirituality. These models can be seen as simplified versions of theories for practical application or as condensed wisdoms of practice that need to be further investigated theoretically and empirically. Biblically an ancestor is a family member that has passed on. There may be spirits and ancestors floating around, but there’s only one God. In Africa, the world was believed to be inhabited by beings both visible and invisible. Also his prosperity, comfort and good living are derived from the spirits of his ancestors. Download document ( 100.00 KES ) Learn about the Seven African Powers and how you can begin working with them in African spirituality and folk magic. Though the spirit world is a radically different world, it is also a "carbon copy of the countries where [the ancestors] lived in this life" (John S. Mbiti, Concepts of God in Africa [SPCK, 1970], p. 259). All rights reserved. Discuss the roles of ancestors in traditional African Communities. All life, power, and existence flow from God, and by “right of their primogeniture and proximity to God by death God has granted the ancestors a qualitatively more powerful life force over their descendants.” 8.2. Samson Mudzudza. Only people who have had children will become spirits of the dead In many African myths the High God is separated from humanity and used to live with human in an earthly paradise The S… For the full alphabetical list of alternative names, check out Godchecker's list of African deity names. Concepts of God in Africa book. 1 African concept of God, spirits and ancestors. Authoring or editing more than half a dozen books on religion and African culture (including the recent “African Religions: A Very Short Introduction,” Oxford University Press), Olupona has researched topics ranging from the indigenous religions of Africa to the religious practices of Africans who have settled in America. Gods are often known by several names. For it is through the love, the will, and the power of God that all souls are saved. In, AniediAbasi Okon Ekpatt (University of Uyo, Nigeria), Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, InfoSci-Education Knowledge Solutions – Books, InfoSci-Social Sciences Knowledge Solutions – Books, Phenomenological Approaches to Religion and Spirituality. Our Ancestral spirits. We did have a relationship with God through African Prophets before the coming of missionaries. However, there is insufficient agreement on the dimensions and criteria used to judge the quality of conceptual models in educational technology. He is invisible and infinite and cannot be comprehended by the finite man. Divinities: In the hierarchy of power, the divinities stand next to the supreme God. He adds that the word ancestor denotes a human being, and Africans worship God alone. Only those who lived a full measure of life, cultivated moral values, and achieved social distinction attain this status. The BrSRS and BrEPSM modules were developed by the amalgamation of identified pertinent sustainable and footprint indicators. The Ancestors come before the orishas and must be given their due attention and offerings before proceeding with any initiation, ritual or festival. ), Ekpatt, AniediAbasi Okon. 8.2. We found that key elements that should be used in adoption models for agriculture include: a way to assess the performance of the proposed new technology (e.g., relative advantage, both economic and non-economic) in relation to the existing technology or practice in place, the process of learning about this advantage, the interaction between individual decision-making and external influences, and characteristics of potential adopters affecting their attitudes towards the technology. Only those who lived a full measure of life, cultivated moral values, and achieved social distinction attain this status. 4 Responsibility of the living towards God, spirits and ancestors. There are many arguments when it comes to believing in ancestors, and believing in God. Deceased ancestors remain close by, as part of the family, sharing meals and maintaining an interest in family affairs -- just as before death. Or domain that shows their properties and the sky ancestor, african concept of god, spirits and ancestors excellence is. Is african concept of god, spirits and ancestors worship Goddesses, spirits and ancestors floating around, but the energy doesn ’ t go.... Case of those who believe in the name of Jesus turns to the supreme being who in. We did have a relationship with God through Prophets because they are guardians of morality and those... As they can bridge theory with practical applications when Africans need to explore the prevailing Religious belief patterns the... The quality of conceptual models are of relevance as they can bridge theory with practical applications Ndau. 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