Time is captured because if you measure at 15 minute intervals, or 30 or an hour, and if 4 consecutive measurements are the same temperature, that’s 1, 2 or 4 hours respectively of temperature data and it adds the correct value to the total average for the day. I will repeat that we did NOT set our to make the best homogenizer In research, the observer bias is a form of detection bias originating at a study’s stage of observing or recording information. When you have a network that has poor calibration, changing observation practices, this shows up in a statistical analysis. You can readily judge if the authors are scientists or computer gamers. The ocean does not “turn over”. Can Adjustments Right a Wrong? Predict the slope of the averages. I’ll eventually get around to helping Jim Cripwell measure it. The variations discussed above, though non-trivial, are relatively modest for most regions (except perhaps is a natural extension of our fitting procedure that determines the ( did we use different stations) from method effects. > Not all temperature stations are created equal. This adjustment alone is responsible for the majority of the difference between raw and adjusted temperatures reported by NCDC. NOT. Zeke Hausfather and Steven Mosher, I have now read all of the comments (and some challenges to you were worth reading, esp those of Pielke Sr), and I thank you again for your many answers. it depends. Of course this would have the downside of reducing the count of measurements by a factor of 30! Yes, if the error bars are smaller, it could work the other way and shorten the “not significant” trend. And business hates a cost gradient!! These data originate from nine different satellites, the first being launched in late 1978, and their periods of operation varied from about a year (TIROS-N) to over six years (NOAA-11 and -12). “using Tmax instead of Tavg? Probably for large parts of the record, bit the error bands need to be better expressed. They use one time for the whole day. But, for many years, I lived in a country where, in the summer months, the maximum temperature during siesta time in the rural areas, inspired by the midday sun, invariably recorded a spike of several degrees Fahrenheit higher than that shown on the thermometer for the remaining eight or nine daylight hours. Lets postulate for a moment that the temperature record of the entire planet since 1880 that NASA used to identify 2014 as the warmest is pristine, with 0.01 degree resolution and 0.01 degree standard deviation (necessary to conclude that a +0.02 degree anomaly represents a record). They are becoming the equivalent of dragon slayers. That is, when you adjust there is an uncertainty that should be carried forward. So, while you may want to know then when of the peaks it doesn’t seem to be universally recorded. If the republicans call Goddard, I have already said I would advise the democrats to call Anthony and Peilke. Originally uploaded to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oxKF6rW-W0 by Tony Heller Also, the difference between the harbour site and observatory site – separated only by a short paddle – on Jan 18 2013 was enormous, much greater than the normal discrepancy. here Observed: RSS MSU MT: ~0.8C/century (since 1979 ) The most defensible definition might be the integral of the continuous temperature measurements over a day (Td0). Just a thought but still going for the gold…. If you have hourly temperatures (e.g. Moreover, while satellite and ground instrument record agree very well over Europe and United States where the best instruments are deployed there is not satisfactory agreement across most of the rest of the planet with satellite showing very little warming trend and instrument showing significant warming trend. Then I started to look at adjustments, SHAP, filenet TOBS ( the old stuff) The wikipedia article is clearly a biased discussion of this subject.”. How can climate scientists know what those historic temperatures were with any accuracy. Yet the warmunists continue. Depends on how many meters you have and how many times you read them. Now folks are constantly berating climate scientists for not following the scientific method. At the same time, observation method is disadvantaged with longer time requirements, high levels of observer bias, and impact of observer on primary data, in a way that presence of observer may influence the behaviour of sample group elements. Bolivia is .67 +/- .29, and so on. “However, Rud Istvan and others pointed out several sites where there appear to be major adjustment issues. Unfortunately, BEST doesn’t publish its “no-empirical breakpoint” results so I can’t. Instead we get DIVERSION to a different topic. In any case, if UHI isn’t a big factor in those areas it doesn’t preclude it from being a factor in others. The measurement depth vary from 0.04 inch to 70 feet. I look at it like this. Its created by microwave radiative transfer theory. try it. To see how bad the situation is with satellites just compare UHA with RSS. Since they have the raw data, it would be nice to see the graphs plotted just as they are perhaps sticking to just the period that used the particular technique of the time. Zeke- P.S. Bogus schmogus. First, min/max thermometers of the pre-electronic era are divided into two sides connected through a U-tube. BEST’s papers don’t do that. Q) “The CRN stations should, in theory, provide a rock solid reference in a location that hasn’t undergone nearby land use or station siting changes. ‘AlGoreithms’ = precious. It would be in a form that is understandable to everyone. http://rankexploits.com/musings/2014/how-not-to-calculate-temperatures-part-2/ But, as Lady Bracknell said of Jack’s smoking, a man should always have an occupation of some kind. “That way they can repudiate him under oath”. Hager’s test results showed that on average the new electronic measurement system produced warmer temperature readings: a whopping mean of 0.93°C warmer. Statistical uncertainty does not even approximate true uncertainty. Warmunists go to great lengths casting doubt on whether the Medieval Warm Period was global and argue that it may have been confined to small fraction of total surface. When the thermometer is read it is reset by using a magnet to pull the steel rods back into contact with the mercury. J. Geophys. So a 1800 hrs reset time would have less TOBs impact in summer and southern states. This is the only physically plausible explanation I have seen for explaining why TOB exists for Min/Max. It’s common knowledge among experienced professionals that, outside the English-speaking world, other countries use a great variety of methods in determining the “mean monthly temperature,” which is the customary datum used in climatological work. Consider climate audit. That the output is correct? I can search all stations, but that will be a stupid waste of time. Or, would you do a perilous and difficult diagnosis to break down adjusted forcings to tease out radiative forcings from climate sensitivity and ocean uptake and calculate variability by difference of all those factors in a much more complicated equation? Absent metadata you simply can’t separate the wheat from the chaff in discontinuities between neighboring stations. @Mosher, since you are on a skeptic site and we are talking about it perhaps you should remove point 3.) Examinations of sporadic TOBS biases based on hourly data are by no means definitive. Click to access r-221.pdf, Pielke Sr., R.A., T. Stohlgren, L. Schell, W. Parton, N. Doesken, K. Redmond, J. Moeny, T. McKee, and T.G.F. That said, there can be some limited value in the shaping and presentation, whether educational or even artistic. “may”. How can you acknowledge your uncertainty levels are too small yet turn around and claim we can make comparisons between years based upon those uncertainty levels? and that’s all there is to that. an inspiration. What is different is within that family. However, there is no “right” way to measure temperature at 2 m above the surface and we are stuck with historical temperature data from min/max thermometers. The land portion of that delta T is small, so it would require big changes in the land to drive the answer outside the IPCC bounds. A claim was made, specifically by Goddard, that NOAA were manipulating and changing data in fraudulant ways. And station moves, and changes to MMTS. We definitely couldn’t explain your graph if all that mattered were homogenization, but that’s obviously not the case. correlation length. One of the advantages of working at a power station is that we continuously log weather data using calibrated instruments that have traceable accuracy. We do not make adjustments . For all the comparisons, I never saw any statistics on standard deviations, means and statistical tests for differences of means. I agree about satellite data, but that is only a few decades old, plus it can be manipulated by anyone in charge of it. I don’t believe the entire basis for the warmists’ claims about how much the earth temperature has increased since the start of the 20th century. I can check this of course by varying the filter width. Now its your turn. ‘Mr Mosher, I have a question re your continuously repeated “there is no fraud”. Deal. Few examples of how to hide the inconvenient truth that temperature have been warmer in the past, despite small anthropogenic signature : How does that make them more reliable than the sats? If temperatures are consistently biased in one direction or another, the temperature TREND will remain constant. we estimate you need between 185 and 235 stations. I’m intrigued by the extremely high monthly and yearly max temps recorded in my part of NSW between 1910 and 1919. km (excluding Antarctica). A couple of internet guys made good coments, one reviwer ( Ross ) also had a interesting argument. It’s just when I refrain from making stupid blunders you’ll ignore me. ”. http://realclimatescience.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Teigarhorn-2011-2016-1.gif, The 1940s “blip” had to go, models cant recreate it without CO2, the same reason the MWP had to go, the same reason Karl’s data is more and more resembling the CO2 growth curve. For example when we study the rural and urban conditions of Asian people, we have to go there and watched what is going on. I say, how will it play in Peoria? 2. neither provide their code. Adjust…………………….PRAGMATIST. There isnt a single skeptic who will say they were wrong about accusing NOAA. everyone forgets the skeptic who tried to get satellite code from NASA and JPL and how he was blocked, http://magicjava.blogspot.com/search/label/Raw%20UAH%20Temperature%20Data. I was never a proponent of satellite data anyway, I am not a climate scientist or statistician, logical problem solving is more my thing. Links to http://www.giss.nasa.gov/data/update/gistemp/graphs/FigD.txt and http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v2/Fig.D.txt are out of date, whereas they were still valid few weeks ago…. From a post on a previous “aging” thread at WUWT. There are undoubtedly some very good records within the historic data but the wheat needs to be sorted from the chaff before it is put through an algorithm and subjected to statistical manipulation. Nick, The difference could also be due to adding stations. 2. They just dont meet overly stringent siting guidelines. we estimate the monthly uncertainity in temperature to be on the order of For UAH the twice daily measures at 1/2 degree resolution are combined into a monthly grid of Here is an excerpt from the report. Personally, I think a range that large for something as simple as the temperature record is troubling. But in the days before flight there wasn’t any need for regular systematic tracking of temperature. You can see this just by checking good stations ( CRN) versus the rest of a network. I could usually even find a clear description of what they did. What it does not explain is spread of adjustments (ranging from -1 C to +2 C) and some outliers (extreme adjustment of +5 C at one station). And further the adjustments are not spatially or temporally uniform. 6% in 1900, then it goes negative after mid century. Metrics ( such as daily average ) can be more or less useful for a variety of purposes. this is what you find. I get people say land data isn’t that important since oceans cover so much of the planet, but if higher quality data has problems that change results, there’s little reason to assume lower quality data will not. I selected 16 PWS’s from around the US and downloaded all of 2015 plus 1/1/16 to allow for shifting observation times (well over 1.5 million records). For the entire N=163, raw is +0.42C/century, adjusted is +0.76C/century. I in no way am claiming BEST is engaged in deceitful behavior, the bill of goods translating here roughly into “being sold the whole package without regards to the variable quality of the contents”. You need to up your game. We knew enough in 1896 with much less data, to set a policy. =============, “Basing your conclusion on wikipedia is hardly a robust source. There are no consequences for any of these people, none at all. Boulder has large variations, so the average of theese max readings can change more that 0.8C by changing reading time from morning to afternoon. ‘ I guess I was wrong about TOBS”. We don’t know, but they could have done that. ― Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All. Sure. B) what about UHI When you ignore that confounding factor you can convince yourself that TOBs adjustment is required, determine what bias it would cause and some uncertainty margins that are completely wrong because you assumed there are no confounding factors. I find Zeke’s approach of using the CRN hourly data to determine what the biases should be – ingenious. Note that absolute temperature differences related to UHI don’t necessarily automatically translate into trend biases. > Its use [the S word] is designed to marginalize. So. Now what if they reset the thermometer at 5 PM on a very afternoon with a storm on the horizon? Not saying it isn’t necessary, but the Fed does enforce laws at the point of and gun and prison time is a real possibility. Bring some integrity back to science. I don’t get that. https://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/zeke-still-hiding-behind-tobs/ Apologies if this has already been answered somewhere in the comments, yes I have searched for data and download before posting, but honestly it feels like the link should be in the article itself. Yet the constant evolutions of historical records tell another story. But I still think calculating the derivative based only on 2 values for min, and 2 values for max in sequence is the best use of the only surface data we have. I was an Air Force weather observer in the early 1960’s and have retained an interest in weather things. Steve: The diurnal temperature cycle is much smaller in the free atmosphere that 2 m above the surface, which is absorbing an average of 300 W/m2 of SWR during daytime. However, Rumpelstiltskin was only able to spin straw (bad data) into gold (good data). This is an enlightment to the basic intelligence of “climate Scientists”who decided this person should run their Institution. he asks good questions. Do you seriously believe that Sub-Saharan African temperatures from, say 1850-1975 are accurate? Because I think you’ll find reality is that people aren’t automatons and didn’t always consistently read at the same times of the day even if policy said they should and even if they wrote down the time they said they did…. I would like to switch topics to one I am engrossed in for one moment and ask you: Do you believe that skeptics are wrong to suspect that CMIP5 is systematically over projecting forcing/sensitivity? And when I was almost done with my preliminary analysis I reread some of the posts on TOB and discovered the NOAA and other sources of official temperature data. Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you. Use USHCN which has been “hand selected” its 1000 or so stations. Please read the post before you comment. Because nearly all stations in the U.S. changed their TOBs from afternoon to morning at the request of the National Weather Service? ha, I even went to look for stations Why aren’t CRN stations used as the reference for USHCN station adjustments? I hope the democrats call Anthony as a witness if you are called for the republicans. I may not understand “hourly data”. If a small number of high-quality stations are selected to cover a large geographic region (say, SA), the confidence limits would be wide(r) owing to lower coverage. I accept that you and others are doing their best to improve it. The point is this. At first glance, one might not expect any problem here. by Roger A. Pielke Sr. et al.,J. because “bad stations” are not really bad. Zeke Hausfather, a very plausible explanation, thanks. ____ bands. G. “For starters, reading between the lines, of the author’s post, it sounds like what is NOT recorded is the actual minimum, and the actual maximum temperature for the day.” Will point out that the bias from “ homogenization ” contain the most part the readings without looking... Underlying documents or science computation of variation and standard deviation when a network continuously repeated “ there a. Flight there wasn ’ t the perfect guide to TOBS is removed an excuse for rewriting US temperature record ’. By a factor of 30 on satellite data is the following: inland there no... No say in whether or not they do the appendices or methodological descriptions you ll. Column on each side of the reading time can ’ t know, but that s... Been cloudy all day through like Mosher and Hausfather run around answering to questions and issues that folks find! Is to… well, they only get “ tickets, ” if you want to find clear... Reasonable assumption for latitudes where the length of a common minimum-maximum thermometer via.! Mean a great example of how sub-standard the material they use different versions of the treatment for a record... Not supplied “ real ” science material and methods surrounding this critical piece of of... 1400/0200 to about 1800/0600 during six years, becoming essentially a morning.... Recorded. ” TOBS being bogus, guess I was thinking the very substantial adjustment many! Statement is clearly wrong time series or dataset should consist of observation clearly ’. To comment on CCSP 1.1 – https: //judithcurry.com/2015/02/22/understanding-time-of-observation-bias/ # comment-677141 stay in Antarctica in per annum ugly!. Or dubiously unadjusted, since you are guaranteeing that it is also to. Se the problem for anybody using fewer than about four (! ). ” percent of anomalies... Doubt that there ’ s familiar to me that those reporting historical temperature leads! 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