Whether it can be restored is their decision alone. Keep extending love. This communication was in writing and sheds light on all of the conspiracy theories alluded to by the entire tin foil hat krew (Remini, Rinder, Ortega, and Jeffrey). [25][26], In December 2018, Jezebel reported that Rathbun had appeared in videos criticising ex-Scientologist Leah Remini and suggested he had rejoined Scientology. Instead, he waxed authoritatively about acts that I allegedly did during that period. In fact I'm going to be so careful that I'll frame my response in terms I've seen him use himself about a similar case. Expédition dans le monde entier, sans ordonnance. drama of the ‘arc break handling’ game (a sort of covert control Dictates to members “what to post, how to word it and to say.”. Rathbun had himself been the individual responsible for performing auditing counseling with Cruise. Remini also spoke about Cruise’s marriage and divorce […] They make a living off of disrespecting the lives of others. So, when Ray Jeffrey and krew told Ortega, Remini, Rinder and certain media that they were dumbstruck by the unpredictable blindsiding they were allegedly subjected to, he was flat out lying through his teeth. Ray Jeffrey to this day has not admitted any of this to Monique Rathbun or to me in spite of serial demands for full disclosure of his covert, prohibited attempted Scientology settlement actions. between our paths explicitly publicly out of personal respect for To add felony to misdemeanor, Jeffrey claimed as basis for refusal to use the Rinder documents that he was working to protect Mike Rinder’s interests. Clearly, Haggis did not take my heartfelt advice to drop that schtick in the latter post. He has yet to have a civil, substantive conversation with his client since, to this day. When Jeffrey, Rinder and Remini’s ‘house on the coast’ conspiracy theory was dismantled (See Monique Rathbun vs Church of Scientology), Ortega was quick to defend his comrade in the bunker:  “So the fact that they subsequently bought a modestly priced house in South Texas shouldn’t really be considered proof of one thing or the other. Specifically, Ray Jeffrey told scientology that I had agreed to ‘snitch’ on Mike Rinder as part of a settlement and that I would forever remain silent on the subject of scientology – if the price was right for Ray Jeffrey. A pattern is evolving here. By firing Jeffrey, Monique prevented Jeffrey from doing precisely what Tony Ortega accused her of doing. Marty Rathbun’s name is now associated with betrayal. And whose respective cases were impossibly bogged until I single-handedly snatched them from the jaws of defeat. In fact, unlike Rinder, I have been continuously employed in a self-employed capacity since I left Scientology in 2004. When Jeffrey lost the argument for the final time, he came back with the threat that his co-counsel would resign if he didn’t plead it his way. They have decided that they cannot apparently make a living without me. MARTY RATHBUN: A former external affairs officer, removed from authority within the Church of Scientology eight years ago for gross malfeasance.Rathbun is a self-proclaimed psychotic with a long history of violence-including more than 50 separate acts of assault against co-workers, one in which he nearly killed a man with his fists. This is a perfect example of what Rinder does day in and day out with ‘facts’. the’us vs them’ ridicule and hatred game directly competes for It is a dizzying scene trying to keep up with his three-card monte moves. Rinder introduced the Jeffrey podcast on his blog with what served as the foundation for Ortega’s 4 year big lie campaign: “While the matter was pending before the Texas Supreme Court, Monique Rathbun fired her lawyers and dismissed the lawsuit…. whom till I tired of the silliness of it all. When the battle no longer held his interest, he turned and asked the old man, “Pancho, how old are you?” “I am not sure.” Pancho co As you shall see, the only behind the back skullduggery was his own. Not only did I reject his offer, I spelled out in detail why it was that I had no desire for him to continue to act as my lapdog. You can trust her intent”, “She is as loyal and dedicated to the cause as anyone.”. That they have been systematically targeted for ‘dead-agenting’ and other ops is a stinging corroboration that ASC is indeed a destructive cult. He puts on a front that he is an extremely busy man, and he … Aided and abetted by the latter two Ortega falsely accused Monique (and then later me) of settling her lawsuit against the Church of Scientology. When directly confronted with the fact that his position was an exercise of favoring Mike Rinder’s interests over his client Monique Rathbun’s, Jeffrey elected to go with another pea in the ASC pod, Rinder. Once you get into defending a particular map it might serve as indication that it is time to study another. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! [6], According to his official biography, Rathbun became a Church staff member in 1978, and joined the RTC board in 1987. (Incidentally, Mitchell also wrote a wonderful translation of the Tao Te Ching). That was his invented claims that he was set up for a treacherous backstab by Monique and me. Jeffrey insisted it was critical for ‘optics’ to center stage the Squirrel Busters and their objection to my “competition”, apparently as part of his dream of attaining underground bunker Rock Star status. It's about as much of a 180 degree as you're can -- you're going to see. They would hire Scientology’s former real estate advisor to obtain a prime Clearwater property on the same block as the Church of Scientology. He wants to be a victim while continuing his predator behavior. dispassionately review the history of the past six years – it most [5] Rathbun left the Church of Scientology in 2004 and became an independent Scientologist, but now considers himself non-religious. That campaign culminated in termination of Jeffrey and Krew. Clients whom – contrary to Mike Rinder’s podcast and blog lies – similarly had their arms twisted by Jeffrey to settle out early. My memory sucks.”  And by now anyone with a scintilla of intelligence should recognize that. fundamentally disagree on how it is best dealt with. Marty Rathbun Re-Emerges. So, the sequence is unsurprisingly 180 degrees opposite of what bunker mentality apparently agreed upon. Jeffrey stated that the entire purpose of what Scientology was doing to the Rathbuns was “to shut Marty up.” He apparently conveniently forgot that he fought like a wounded steer for many hours against the demand that he plead the case in exactly that accurate fashion (and throughout the length and breadth of the anti-SLAPP proceedings), so that Scientology could not turn it into a religious or ‘commercial’ dispute. mechanism in itself incidentally) to explain it all, suffice it to Despite the wall of Underground Bunker dissonance conveying something otherwise, Jeffrey and krew litigated two years to defend something they were pre-warned over and over again would result in exactly that future for them. For three years I have increasingly advocated growing up and out of And like, had brought more of the, ‘this is what you are going to do’ approach. She purported to have received the complete text from a higher spirit whom she believed to be Jesus. Son parachute s’ouvre et il se pose délicatement dans la forêt en contrebas. And as it continues to regress (and if you were to Tagged Karen De La Carriere, Leah Remini, mike rinder, Ray Jeffrey, The Aftermath, The Underground Bunker, tony Ortega. Rathbun’s father Slade Rathbun told the family friend that the last time Marty visited him for any length of time was for a couple of weeks in December 1980, but Rathbun spent most of his time out of the house at bars and took a For six weeks Jeffrey and krew played out a complex web of deceit as to why it was not as simple as sitting down and hearing Scientology’s acquiescence. I always allow for forgiveness in my life, but I would never trust or confide in anyone who has done what Marty just did in the last few weeks. The proof of its lack of precedential value is the subsequent lack of citation of such in other lawsuits, even in Kentucky. So here’s their fraudulent, wasteful and slothful odyssey into 15 minutes of fame and fleeting fortune… albeit, in … Last week, the actress stepped up to show support for Thandie Newton, who shared her nightmarish experience with Cruise while working on Mission: Impossible 2. His response? So he is either claiming I am clairvoyant,  or – as per usual for this bird – his assertion is pure invention. ultimately its cancerous effect on growth and dignity. And Ray Jeffrey knew that for a fact, because we explicitly rejected Ray Jeffrey’s request to approach church of scientology counsel to offer settlement in November 2015. [15][16][17] Rathbun ceased the filming of Cruise in 2002, because he felt it was unethical. I always allow for forgiveness in my life, but I would never trust or confide in anyone who has done what Marty just did in the last few weeks. It bore little resemblance to my account which he had assured me was what the project was all about. [35] In October 2014, Rathbun filmed an encounter which he claimed showed three members of the church's top management abusing him at Los Angeles International Airport. I think it could have left Mr. Rathbun very susceptible to the teachings of Scientology. First, Jeffrey quit the case prior to the Anti-SLAPP proceedings and contributed nothing substantively to the effort. Meeting", "Scientology's Star Roster Enhances Image", "Tom Cruise's confessions mocked at Scientology parties", "Tom Cruise afgeluisterd binnen Scientology Kerk", "Tom Cruise heimlich bei Scientology-Beichte gefilmt? He will allow for – and even contribute to – the ruining of characters and lives as long as it serves to reinforce the gravy train for himself. exterior view, the anti movement and scientology is one big vortex Stepping off this feigned honest-intentions foundation, Haggis lays on the drama by claiming my response to his proposal was only that he was ‘being an anti-Scientologist.” In fact, my response was only about truth, integrity and fairness and Paul’s lack thereof: “What I care about and always have cared about is truth. ACIM can deliver that. Once again, Haggis plays the role of victim. people subscribe to it the less able or willing they are to reason, After unethically inventing and broadcasting the big lie, he sanctimoniously claims he can’t give the corroborating evidence for his conspiracy theory because he must protect his client’s privileged communications, clearly communicating that the evidence exists, thus revealing the substance of the alleged communications themselves. MARTY RATHBUN: A former external affairs officer, removed from authority within the Church eight years ago for gross malfeasance which included suborning perjury and obstruction of justice. Haggis now claims that he disclosed to me his plans to produce the expose of all exposes on the Scientology Guardian’s Office, L. Ron Hubbard, Mary Sue Hubbard, and “Operation Snow White”. preferred to deal with Southern whites more than he did Northern Marty Rathbun’s internet postings follow a predictable pattern. In January 2016 Tony Ortega, Ray Jeffrey, and Mike Rinder began a campaign of vilifying Monique Rathbun and me. Coaches members on how to run effective smear campaigns on enemies – providing made up particulars the members never witnessed along with instructions for the members to pretend they did. Instead, he only ever asserted that he wanted to hold them in reserve when the time came to extort some money from the church. that even Miscavige understands that given the apparent increase in "[18] El Tiempo commented, "Although Tom Cruise is a staunch supporter and defender of Scientology, apparently other members of this doctrine do not profess the same devotion to the actor. Rinder: Well, he’s intense. See Monique Rathbun vs. Church of Scientology for background. We subsequently learned that Ray Jeffrey asserted to Scientology that his krew represented me personally and that I wanted him to approach scientology to settle. That they continue to do so, many years after the fact of my apparent presence in their filthy world, speaks volumes as to the character of each of them. certainly is a regression) the tone, mentality, and behaviors of [11][13] In a post on his blog, Rathbun wrote a statement addressed to Cruise: "Wake up, Tom. Take a close look at the document. Jeffrey choked the gaslighting play by trying to pressure me into agreeing to a gag order, a comprehensive ‘debrief’ and Monique into selling all rulings and opinions in the case. As recounted in the video Mike Rinder Payola, it has always been about the green for him. obsessing and railing at every scientology faux pas. The woman’s immediate response to the police was that she was disappointed she failed to take out any Scientologists with her car. They were explicitly instructed not to approach Scientology (twice, because Ray Jeffrey feigned not to hear it the first time). Retrouvez Memoirs of a Scientology Warrior et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. move on. On April 18 last year, a man named Marty Rathbun opened his door at the sound of knocking and was presented with the sight you see here. So much so that Jeffrey, a member of his family, and his former law partner thanked me repeatedly for single-handedly saving his law firm from financial demise. The more you disregard the thoughts, the more intense and ‘logical’ will the attack thoughts come. Marty Rathbun, who worked at the secretive church for 27 years before leaving in 2004, said he believed officials used Scientology doctrine to turn the Oscar winner’s adopted children against her after she divorced Cruise in 2001. As far as the Fair Game retribution tactics of the ASC klan Mango exposes, it aligns with my own experience, see e.g. As intended, all of this has resulted in yet more Remini/Rinder/Ortega/Jeffrey inspired vandalism directed at Monique. > Marty Rathbun's primary purpose is obvious; to help Marty Rathbun. Mark “Marty” Rathbun is 54 years old and lives with his wife Monique in Ingleside on the Bay, Texas. He would leak word to Scientology that I was going to set up a reform Church of Scientology there and become their worst possible nightmare. Even there we For 27 years, Marty Rathbun was a key player in the world's most secretive religion – even mentoring top celebrities including Tom Cruise. They abused Monique’s sincere legal process and rights for the illegitimate purpose of creating an ASC-assclown ruckus in the Scientology camp with a lack of sound factual basis (a classic Abuse of Process). The biography also credits him with having played a major role in various Church victories, including the negotiation of the Church's tax exemption agreement with the Internal Revenue Service in 1993. Seymour: He’s a pretty intimidating guy, isn’t he? It would appear that De La Carriere and her boy Jeffrey Augustine have established a clear pattern of practice in abuse. "[29], Videographer Bert Leahy reported being paid $2,000 a week to help document the "Squirrel Busters" activities. They then spent more than a month continually deceiving and lying to Monique to maintain the fiction that Scientology was aching to settle. Find out about Marty Rathbun. In fact, Marty Rathbun revels in the fact that he must have a “war” to fight, and where none exists (as is usually the case) he will manufacture it. Even Academy Award winning writer/director Paul Haggis has gotten himself in on the speculation by giving us either/or scenarios which seem to prove for him that Marty Rathbun is working with David Miscavige to discredit critics of Scientology. Paradoxically, it is also more Christ-like than are most organized forms of Christianity. your feelings and livelihood; even though appeals to continue The only entity that has attempted to gag me is Ray Jeffrey and his confederates. The author’s use of the Jesus construct frightens some off. When the going gets tough, ASC leadership sics the PIs on those in non-compliance with their arbitrary dictates. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. I just read the following on Tony “Backpages” Ortega’s blog in a story about alleged coercion with a secret dossier: Seymour: Scientology enforcer Marty Rathbun was known in the organization for his brutal and unforgiving manner. And when I am condescended to and attacked for making that my guiding light – refusing to play the game in order to satisfy one side or another – I really don’t care what those playing the game think of me. Re: Marty Rathbun's Mother An Heroed? Those activities – buttressed by Augustine’s, De La Carriere’s, Rinder’s and Ortega’s patented embellishment and cult-hysteria tactics – were integral in causing Ray Jeffrey to launch his ill-conceived and ill-fated lawsuit against my family. Andrews has spotted the two-faced, self-contradictory, self-serving, backstabbing, and arrogant nature of those words. This morning the US Commander in Chief sent the following tweet: “With all due respect, and ONLY America’s interests at heart, please do your homework. It became so noisome and destructive that a few months into the lawsuit Jeffrey was put on notice to cease his repeated practice of sharing analyses, strategy and even pleadings with Ortega and other ASC members before sharing them with his client. Of such in other lawsuits, even in Kentucky to hearing what they had to.. Length her personal feelings on the way, well, that doesn ’ t he at! En croisade contre elle, primary covert operations are run by a “ narcissist and sociopath. ” by the who! Stay firm and arrogant nature of what Rinder does day in and day out with ‘ auditing! A number of intensives of confessionals on Tom Cruise and the Prison of Belief Monique and me into consenting Jeffrey. In others without discrimination ‘ salvage them ’ mentality in the confessional sessions by Cruise was not revealed –. Decided that they can not apparently make a living on perpetuation of the ASC policy to the court... 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