Is it possible to set the opacity of a background image without affecting the opacity of child elements? Topic: HTML / CSSPrev|Next Since the pseudo-element is a sort of child of the parent, you can change the opacity of it without affecting the text content. Adding a background image. Since the pseudo-element is a sort of child of the parent, you can change the opacity of it without affecting the text content. In this tutorial, learn how to Make Background Color Transparent using CSS. You can simply use rgba() instead (the last value being hte opacity) and it'll only affect the background color, not anything else. …. All links in the footer need a custom bullet (background image) and the opacity of the custom bullet should be 50%. It can be set by using the RGBA color values instead of the opacity property because using the opacity property can make the text inside it fully transparent element. Add a transparent background to the text and give a look and effect on your content.. Since the pseudo-element is a sort of child of the parent, you can change the opacity of it without affecting the text content. High quality full screen width hero images are a staple in modern web design. When we opt for Background opacity property of CSS for an HTML element generally what happen is it will not only change the opacity of image in background but also reflects the opacity changes in its child elements. Be sure to write your questions in the comments, we will try to answer! When you do this be transparency on the background and the text “all the class” .. Is there a way? Required fields are marked *. This sets the background-color of an element to black with 50% opacity. To achieve this style you could use rgba colours and filters for IE for the background, and opacity on the textual elements. The back part of the background is still slightly visible to the viewer.This can be useful when you want to add a text to the container. …. Programming is easy! To make that pseudo-element the same size as the parent, you’ll have to absolutely position it and set its top, right, bottom, and left values to zero so it doesn’t collapse. The default initial value for opacity is 1(100% opaque). Sort of. To say use CSS3, even in 2013, is not simple because the level of support … Chris Love Last Updated - Sat Mar 30 2019. CSS-Tricks is created by Chris and a team of swell people. {background-color: #99e0fc; opacity:0.6;}. In this tutorial, we will learn how to change a background image opacity without affecting the text using css. To make that pseudo-element the same size as the parent, you’ll have to absolutely position it and set its top, right, bottom, and left values to zero so it doesn’t collapse. So long as the second box isn’t a child of one of the text elements, then it won’t inherit the opacity. The background-opacity property can only be used to change the opacity or transparency of an element’s background without affecting sub-elements. so far with the combinations i’ve tried, changing the opacity on the p element changes the span text. They have courses on all the most important front-end technologies, from React to CSS, from Vue to D3, and beyond with Node.js and Full Stack. How to set the opacity of a background image using CSS. Since the pseudo-element is a sort of child of the parent, you can change the opacity of it without affecting the text content. A Responsive CSS Hero Background Image with Opacity and Color Overlay that Does Not Affect Text. CSS Tutorial » CSS background image opacity without affecting child elements.