In the play “Hamlet”, the readers can plainly see Hamlet’s behavior changing during the play from good to evil. Hamlet’s obsession and numerous contemplations about death sets himself in the undesired direction of suffering with the deaths of his father, Ophelia and Polonius, all whom he believed were undeserving. Due to the king's reaction to the play, Hamlet attains the belief that the Ghost was telling the truth the night of the apparition. better, but his reasoning and intelligence were no match for the devil's guile. The losses that Hamlet has to deal with, the anger and lack of forgiveness that he allows to build within himself, allows Hamlet’s true thoughts and character to be revealed through his, Hamlet and The Ghost He thinks that it is Clauduis hiding behind the curtains and that he will finally get revenge like the ghost asked him to. People explicitly believed in ghosts in those days. 'Hamlet', like many of Shakespeare's ... middle of paper ... At first glance, the Queen seems to be just another innocent bystander who expresses her grief at the loss of the King, but as the play develops, and Hamlet is filled in on the details of the Queen’s treachery, the depiction of Gertrude changes dramatically. Some viewed the ghost at first as an illusion or something that is evil and wants to do harm. Especially Hamlet. Throughout Hamlet, Laertes is described as a very loyal and noble gentleman. They do not willingly think evil of the king, and they all want some undoubted proof, not only of the fact of the ghost's appearance, but of the truth of his words. All supernatural agents were regarded with the greatest suspicion, for they were far more likely to be the agents of the devil* than of God. Hamlet thinks too much and this drove him to an insanity that was not feigned. Hamlet experiences a lot of pain and becomes very anger because of his father’s However, this is not to say that Claudius does not understand the nature of his sins. Shakespeare (1562-1616) lived. Hamlet's father's ghost is unquiet because in life he was murdered by his brother, who then married Gertrude and usurped the throne. Especially Hamlet. The Ghost in Hamlet is an evil spirit returning to revenge his killer Claudius; which is a questionable action for a Catholic person leading the audience to believe that the Ghost is evil. The fact that there is definitely a valid reason for vengeance on Hamlet's part shows that the ghost is honest about one thing, at least, and thus is probably "an honest ghost". She claims that “the nature of vengeance makes justice impossible” (p. 7). First, Hamlet reveals his wishes, and evil played a huge role in Hamlet, which begins with his mother, Gertrude. Again Hamlet reveals his preoccupation with the disparity between appearance and reality. You can understand why Hamlet would act insane because of these terrible events taking place. In the beginning, he is a good prince and a well respected young man, and then his father’s ghost, who in my thoughts is an evil ghost, tells him that his uncle murdered him, his father. So he doesn’t want to commit a murder for no reason, maybe what the ghost is telling him could be coming from the devil and … His will to continuously get himself into situations that inflict a great deal of emotional stress is astonishing, and his change in attitude about his indecisiveness about murder is not beneficial, rather it kills him in the end. plays has been inspired by another famous tragedy, in this case, 'The I personally believe that the ghost was a real character who came from hell and appeared before Hamlet in order to have him exact his revenge on Claudius. The Ghost in Hamlet is a widely controversial topic with arguments determining whether the Ghost is a “goblin damn’d” or a “spirit of health.” (1.4.40) “‘A spirit of health’ is one, which comes from heaven with charitable intentions, and ‘a goblin damn’d’ is one, which comes from Hell with wicked intentions.” The Ghost only has two appearances in the play and is a symbol for uncertainty, yet it is important as it catalyses the play into action and also. The reading of Hamlet’s father as ghost would be the least controversial for the modern reader. Hamlet knows that having the correct facts is so important because without hard evidence he may unjustly kill his uncle and have to d... While Hamlet has questioned the Ghost’s sincerity and possible evil schemi ng in their initial encounter, he continues to wonder if his state of melancholy is influenced by the Ghost. “… and the devil hath power/ To assume a pleasing shape…'; ghost, Hamlet's death and thus his tragedy, remains. In the beginning of the play, the Ghost is seen two nights in a row by Bernardo and Marcellus. So much is said in the play about the ghost's warlike form that great significance must be attached to that fact. It changes your personality, it corrupts the mind, it makes you blind, all revenge does hurt you and others, and nothing good comes from revenge. Without the ghost, the play would not be able to be developed as it was. Though every character has faced challenges and trying times of their own, it is very apparent that Shakespeare’s theme of mortality is indeed intended. He had the inner battle of good vs. evil. Hamlet’s Transformation from Good to Evil In the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, Hamlet endures exorbitant amount of pain and anger because of his father’s death, his mothers hasty remarriage, and the loss of his only love, Ophelia. The Ghost in Hamlet is an evil spirit returning to revenge his killer Claudius; which is a questionable action for a Catholic person leading the audience to believe that the Ghost is evil. through his soliloquies. Hamlet begins the doubting of the ghost’s origins by questioning if the ghost ‘airs from heaven or blasts from hell’. The appearance of this supernatural force instigates death and destruction throughout the play, and ultimately leads to the downfall of Hamlet downfall. A figure like your father armed exactly, cap-a-pe" And is dressed in armour. The one thing that most outrages the ghost of Old Hamlet in lines 32 – 90, pp. The late king returns as what is suspected to be a ghost or spirit and gives Prince Hamlet orders to seek revenge on Claudius and murder him. Furthermore, if a ghost appears, it indicates that something drastically bad or catastrophic has or will occur. Many theories have been put forward as to the reasons for Hamlet’s delay in avenging the King from hereon in. I personally disagree with the author W.W. Greg’s interpretation of Hamlet’s ghost, and believe that his assumption that Hamlet is simply hallucinating his father’s ghost is without merit. 244-245) That it appears, and in amour, indicates to Hamlet and Marvelous that ‘all is not well’, that ‘something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Print. Hamlet significantly questioned the visitation’s timing by his father’s ghost, which was merely a symbol of invisible power. Hamlet believes that things should be naturally good, and that people's motives should be fair. No, this is not Hamlet, either character or play. He is loosely based on a legendary Jutish chieftain, named Horwendill, who appears in Chronicon Lethrense and in Saxo Grammaticus' Gesta Danorum. In Act 3, scene 4, when the Ghost appears to Hamlet (and the audience) but not to Gertrude, Gertrude sees the Ghost as a sign of Hamlet’s madness. The first six lines of Hamlet’s speech to the ghost (l. 39 – 45, p. 48) suggest the possibility that(A) the ghost is a figment of Hamlet’s overwrought imagination(B) the ghost may be a real person(C) the ghost may be an evil “impersonator,” a disguised demon(D) the ghost may disappear at an moment: C: 75. “The spirit that I have seen / May be the devil: and the devil hath power” (2.2 626-7). This indecision is somewhat resolved in the form of the play. The Significance of the Ghost in Armor From Hamlet, an ideal prince, and other essays in Shakesperean interpretation: Hamlet; Merchant of Venice; Othello; King Lear by Alexander W. Crawford. Hidden Ghost In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, King Hamlet is killed by Claudius, Prince Hamlet’s uncle. He cannot bear sit... The ghost of King Hamlet, although playing a minor part in the play, is a character that plays several important roles in the deerstalking of Hamlet. The Ghost revelation of shoking secret confirms Hamlet’s doubts that his uncle is a murderer, usurper and incestuous fellow. Battenhouse, Roy. They do not willingly think evil of the king, and they all want some undoubted proof, not only of the fact of the ghost's appearance, but of the truth of his words. Hamlet decides to end the marriage of Claudius, the new king/evil person, who killed the old king, became the new king himself, and married Gertrude the mother of Prince Hamlet. "The spirit that I have seen / May be a devil, and the devil hath power / T' assume a pleasing shape" (2.2.627-629). The ghost ignites the need for revenge in Hamlet and demonstrates the extent of its manipulation, revenge can turn a good heart into pure evil. Initially, Hamlet’s plan is to act insane to find out exactly what happened to his father but he wants to also avenge his death. Spanish Tragedy', The Ghost in Hamlet is a widely controversial topic with arguments determining whether the Ghost is a “goblin damn’d” or a “spirit of health.” (1.4.40) “‘A spirit of health’ is one, which comes from heaven with charitable intentions, and ‘a goblin damn’d’ is one, which comes from Hell with wicked intentions.” The, Hamlet’s madness is questioned by many readers. Hamlet wants to check it out first, before acting. The readers can see Hamlet’s behavior changing during the play from good to evil. According to Lewes Lavater’s essay on demonology four prominent beliefs exist in regard in the differentiation between good spirits and malicious ones, each representing evidence through appearances, speech and actions that King Hamlet is indeed evil. We get it; the prince has just lost one of the most important figures in his life, a man he idolizes and loves, and everyone is just telling him to move on and forget about his father. The images of rotting and foulness in odor entering the castle symbolize the contagious property of sin. Finally, the hallucination view of the ghost presents Hamlet as a tragic One story that involves a ghost is Hamlet. Horatio hesitates to take ths word of Bernardo and Francisco, and is convinced only by the actual sight of the ghost. So maybe the ghost-as-dad is just a figment of Hamlet's imagination. “The Ghost in Hamlet: A Catholic Linchpin.” Studies in Philology 48.2 (1951): 161-192. Many of W.W. Greg’s claims relate Hamlet to other plays that were written by Shakespeare, claiming that due to how Shakespeare portrayed ghosts in his previous works, it would follow that Hamlet also fits into the same mold as these past writings. Throughout Shakespeare's Hamlet, Hamlet's questionable madness is explored through his real madness, actions, and the reactions of others towards his behavior. He was trying to protect his wife and especially his son. Hamlet's father was not an evil spirit. Hamlet, more steeped in grief and mourning for his father, remembers King Hamlet better than anyone around him and it is this memory that brings Hamlet to confront the ghost. The ghost refuses to speak in front of the others, but beckons Hamlet away to speak with him alone. The ghost of Hamlet's father is a character from William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.In the stage directions he is referred to as "Ghost".His name is also Hamlet, and he is referred to as King Hamlet to distinguish him from the Prince.. Like many people, the characters in Hamlet are skeptical about ghosts until faced with one. character whose obsession with his father's death and his mother's incestuous I’ll call thee Hamlet, King, father, royal Dane… Here, we see that the spirit seen in the castle of Elsinore has three possible identities: ghost, demon, or hallucination. They are something that most people fear, don’t believe in, or think they are an evil being. An otherworldly presence that visits Hamlet early on in the play. Copyright © 2000-2020. One of their similarities is their relation and knowledge of one another by being father and son. Whether or not the Ghost’s story is a hallucination of Hamlet’s, Hamlet … His rash behaviour to kill without seeing what he is doing shows that his madness is real and not something he is faking to have revenge for his father. The ghost tells Hamlet: “If thou didst ever thy dear father love— / … [to] / Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (I. v. 23-25). Hamlet is even angered by his own indecisiveness when the players come to Elsinore, when they can cry real tears in a fake play, but he cannot avenge his father’s death, he can only talk about it. The ghost provides Hamlet with a dilemma. before he has even seen it, which may indicate the Ghost’s accusation that Claudius murdered Hamlet’s father is all in Hamlet’s head. Dramatic is your creativity by which the Prince is hoping to try so: he also requests itinerant celebrities to engage in with the spectacle from this poisoning of their king. That I will speak to thee. Hamlet is simply trying to play the cards he has been dealt in life. His behavior and moods throughout the play frequently change. As we find it written in the Bible: “Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19). Or it can be seen as the ghost being some type of evil spirit trying to destroy hamlet through bad advice. Hamlet’s transforms from good to evil in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. The way that you look at the ghost can be derived by the way he is portrayed by actor and show concept. The rest is silence.” (V.2.346-348) Horatio Wants to kill himself when Hamlet is about to die - listens, very loyal HORATIO: Never believe it. The Ghost beckons Hamlet to follow, and, despite the entreaties of his comrades to beware, Hamlet follows the spirit into the night. The rest is silence.” (V.2.346-348) Horatio Wants to kill himself when Hamlet is about to die - listens, very loyal HORATIO: Never believe it. Works Cited Missing Shakespeare displays how blind loyalty and pure selfishness can lead to ultimate havoc and main desire for power. However, Hamlet is at first unsure about the ghost’s state. So, Shakespeare basically leaves the audience to decide whether Hamlet is truly mad or not. Hamlet and his mother’s conversation to find out if Hamlet has gone mad. losses that Hamlet has to deal with are the anger and lack of forgiveness build in In one of Hamlet’s many soliloquies, he states, “Tis an unweeded garden / That grows to seed”(i.ii.139). I am forced to turn to Shakespeare's other plays for suggestions as to how he represented these phenomena” (Greg 395). Without him, Hamlet would never have known the truth Horatio describes the ghost to Hamlet, emphasising that the ghost appears to look like Old Hamlet: "a€¦. Elizabethan Era especially in connection to religion, as ghosts are manifestations of the devil sent to misguide devout Christians. The tragedy of Hamlet does not lie in him being misled, but in him knowing the course of action to take, but being too hesitant to take it. Of revenge it was healthy fear of death is unavoidable, while constant thought about death creates unhealthy anxiety blind. 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