Winter Bloom will be so blessed to have you as her Mommy. The process has been a roller coaster, but we couldn’t be more excited. Bright and airy and just your style. We considered waiting until we saw her Chinese name to decide, but I had told my mom we were considering Bloom and she told our niece. I love it! How sweet to be able to bond through her name with your family!!! Elsie this is SO beautiful! And it’s just cute, like it’s extra money because it’s cute and whatever. Recently, a contractor stepped on it in our garage and we took it to a glass shop and got a new mirror put in again. I don’t mind answering. My Chinese niece’s middle name starts with Jia and so does her brother’s though they both have western first names. There is so much love in this room already, it can be felt even through pictures. Emma: OK, I had to kind of small random things. Emma: So my previous robe was a very random IKEA purchase, I was at an IKEA, which we don’t have one in Springfield, Missouri, so this was a rare occurrence for me, and they just had it in a bin as I was walking in the store and I was like, oh, that looks like a really comfy hotel robe. And now when we go somewhere, we have something to take with us. Naps are a good thing. My favorite season is Autumn. So I got these pink like faux fur Jessica Simpson house slippers. They run a lot of sales. Elsie: Yeah. I might have missed the link somehow but my daughter would love that piece and her birthday is right around the corner. PS-you were one of the very first bloggers I ever followed way back in the day, when you were making scrapbooks! It’s so cute. The name you chose gave me chills (could you two have chosen a more beautiful name?). So as you all know, Elsie got a swimming pool this year and I love to come visit and my nieces are still quite young. So, yeah, one line a day journal. The pops of color and light fixture are my favorites. His hold outs drive me batty as she is yanking records from low shelves and makeshift barricades to block his trinkets on bookshelves are so impractical. Emma: It pours too fast because of the way the spout is. So excited for you … what an undertaking, you must be exhausted …my best friend has 2 adopted girls from Korea (now in their 30’s) amazing women, beautiful family So you will probably notice a few practical things missing (I haven’t ordered a diaper pail yet, I closed the closet doors because we are waiting to fill up the closet until we have an exact age, and I have no idea what level the crib will need to be adjusted to). Best wishes to you on this journey! This is perhaps the cutest little room ever. Jeanine August 05, 2017 . It feels very timeless. And I was like, you know what would be kind of cute is like a big collage of records on the wall. Thank you for choosing strength and patience, even though they can be the hardest of paths. Elsie: They hold themselves up by your boobs and that is true. It’ll notify you when it hits the temperature, and your Ember mug keeps it there. I love this question because we all love and need distractions. Used it all year so much. I don’t want to criticize you and I know it takes courage to post each and every post, but I just want to express my concern with having the loose yarn so near the crib. <3 I love the idea of cousins sharing a middle name. Elsie, Three top buys of 2020. 6-nov-2017 - Tour a Modern, Feminine Upper West Side Apartment filled with amazing architectural detail. Hi Elsie! And anyway, so I will link them in the show notes. It’s so optimistic. I’ve been waiting for this name reveal for a long time and oh my gosh it is perfect So excited for you both and wishing the rest of the process goes smoothly! I just had a long comment written and I think I lost it, so apologies if this is a duplicate! I designed a collection for ModCloth! I have only seen another one one time and it was at the Rose Bowl Flea (and it was painted white—poor thing!). It’s gorgeous, just like her name! I also love the idea of cousins sharing a middle name. Elsie: But I realized that I miss the feeling of shoes so I got a pair of fur-lined Birkenstocks and they’re sort of like my house shoes, so that I don’t feel like I’m like always in bare feet. Or checking your phone to see what time it is when she’s sleeping on you . So now it’s an aunt swimsuit, I guess. (laughs). And I’ve even like looked through them before. So so beautiful. While cousins sharing middle names is different my cousins and I have middle names that rhyme and I always thought it was cool and weird lol. We’re currently fostering-to-adopt two siblings, a boy and a girl. xx. You also picked a lovely name. I’ve been following your journey and I can’t wait to see your Winter Bloom. Emma: Clearly I’m excited too. I regret nothing. But anyway, I recently finally just bought them because I definitely wear leggings all the time and I love to have leggings that are like, you can wear them out in the world and still feel kind of put together? Hoping it’ll be perfect for story-time before bed. You have to be pretty strategic. There are some incredible adult adoptees who share their perspectives–it’s a priceless resource. It was so good or what was that TV show we watched, remember when we were obsessed with this or whatever, you know, and it’s kind of those little things that I feel like I always forget. (laughs). I actually specifically waited for this post today before buying a crib mattress because I was curious which one you got in case you went for an eco/organic version? I can see Winter feeling so included with a western name, and think it’s so amazing you guys will incorporate her heritage as well! It’s very impowering to feel included by your family by sharing a name (last name and middle name in this case) and a name my mom picked especially for me. Currently, we are on our agency’s waiting list to be matched with a child. It was the first thing I chose for this room and I love the personality and ’70s inspiration it brings to the space! That’s what all mommas say and it is very true–you love them before you meet them. You should call Land of Nod and see what they say! And Winter is a stunning name for a little baby girl! But this was just kind of like my starting point was I just bought all these Halloween mugs and they came in the mail. They are absolutely wonderful! Emma: Oh, because the shipping like so everyone can get their things, they need kind of thing. Something I wondered about your daughters name- I’m assuming she will already be named before you meet her. I love every single detail! I’ve barely gotten through it without crying with my babies so many times; it just touches my heart so much <3 It’s like a pretty large collection of ornaments…. -LOL this ice roller. Recently saw this lamp, would be perfect for reading. And I’m not a I’m not — I was vegetarian for so many years. Something that felt like a major upgrade in 2020. All the best. I looked for months and months and never found the perfect thing to place there (but I think that in real life the perfect thing might be nothing). The monkey doll is from Etsy. Hello there! These are all fiction, pretty different genres. Like there’s no way to really make it cool. So you can wash it and yeah, I love it. On the wise advice of a friend, I decided to choose a dresser that Winter could keep all through her childhood and teen years. Jul 30, 2016 - Make a Collapsible Playhouse, a lifestyle post from the blog A Beautiful Mess, written by Elsie Larson &emma on Bloglovin’ This is your pretty blanket.” (Don’t burst my bubble!). I hope you won’t take my comment in a negative way. It may have to do with the size of the shelves. Such a great earthy vibe to the nursery. What a beautiful space! “You have other blankets for throwing up on. xx. hanging over her vintage rocking chair (I actually bought the chair from Amber Ulmer…and I see that she took your photos! (I’m a mom via adoption) I wish I’d had access to their wisdom before we adopted because it can be very thought-provoking. Apr 13, 2019 - Explore A Beautiful Mess's board "life is colorful", followed by 469285 people on Pinterest. But with everything being digital now, basically, you know, it’s not as…but I feel like it used to be, like I’m sure a lot of those artists spent tons of time thinking about what was going to be on the cover of this record. I think your super fab and thanks for being you. I actually got it from Elise’s newsletter. (laughs). I have always meant to write a book, i should…i digress…. What a perfect nursery and such a beautiful name! It’s GORG!! So but it’s really hard when your water tastes terrible. How can the title of this entry not be “Winter is Coming!” ?!? We’d love to hear. Emma: I didn’t know you got a pizza oven. I absolutely adore the toys and books, I love wooden and unusual kids toys, I feel like they have so much more magic to them, Winter will love them I’m sure! Or like your car keys, you know, if you have that whole thing. So stunning, Elsie. It’s been amazing to me to learn how many of you are adoption advocates yourselves! I feel like this episode makes me look like the cheapest person on the planet, basically. Is Elise really your sister? Emma: Yeah. I didn’t have a big problem with it. My sister and two of our cousins share a middle name. Ahh this is so beautiful and soft!! Finally I started running this year and the tikiboo rainbow tiger leggings give me a laugh every time I jog in them. xx. Edison’s environment is arranged in a way to allow the children to have the freedom to move and explore within their environment. Weigh in if you have a strong opinion. And then you pick up your coffee mug and it’s cold. (laughs). He surprised me with it for our five year anniversary. But I figured this would be even better because then we can geek out and talk about like all the little things that were like fun upgrades. Like we’ve never done that before, like cooked through a whole cookbook. Emma: And I just have some books and one random honorable mention. I just like that. I feel like the giraffe is watching out the window, waiting for Winter to come home. So these are like strictly like you don’t wear them outside. What a beautiful nursery for a lucky little girl! Babies/toddlers are little bundles of destruction as soon as they are mobile. OK, next up was our record display shelves. But I was like, oh, I might move. And then we were like, oh…. Each child is recognized for their individuality and is encouraged to develop according to their own inner growth pattern. All the best wishes to you!! Elsie: Yes! It’s perfect! They have letters, numbers and symbols. You know, it’s nice. When you first announced that you were adopting, I FREAKED OUT. So…. It’s ok- it’s so high up I can’t even reach it. Its kind of amazing, I was in the delivery room when they were born, hubs & I were the first ones to hold them!! But I know that I got next year. xx. I really like that it has a disk inserted into the shade so there isn’t an exposed bulb. Congratulations Kara! I absolutely adore the name and the nursery is STUNNING. Have a good week! You really did an amazing job! , What is the length of the floating bookshelves? For free I have enjoyed audiobooks and print books from my local library and shopping my closet. -Emma’s robe upgrade. A couple of my cousins and I share a middle name (although I was the first ). Then, as soon as we saw that Antoinette was available for preorder on Amazon, we ordered it! The nursery turned out beautifully! Emma: You don’t have to go to the kitchen where the one filter is or whatever. Emma: I love Thai flavors so much in cooking. In addition to undergraduate and graduate level degrees, classroom teachers at Hudson Montessori School have Montessori certification through the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) or the American Montessori Society (AMS). It was still summertime. Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog And something about this has really made me feel very hopeful. And I’d like to add a lot more handmade artists over time. I actually share a middle name with my cousin and my niece and I had never seen that before. I’ve loved following along with your adoption story and can’t wait to see the final pieces fall into place! Here’s hoping you are matched soon! So nice to “meet” you! Emma: I’m drinking water at your house and it’s delicious. Elsie: So the first category is something small that really upgraded your life. You did such a great job and her name is adorable! Elsie! And I ordered and I, I did a lot of research. What sweet times are ahead for you!! I wish you only the best as you anticipate becoming parents! I know some of you have been following our adoption from the first steps, but for the rest of you I’ll give a quick recap! I think I do a good job documenting my year with photos, which tends to be a lot of travel and what I’m doing with my family. So when we moved into our last house. All the best to you–I’m so excited to see this room filled with your little girl and all the love that will abounds as you welcome her! So we’ve had like, you know, the individual filters that you put in your fridge and things like that. What is an organic mattress though? I hope I did a good job of explaining that. You’re so good with words!you perfectly described the feeling of a mom, decorating a nursery for her daughter! Absolutely love the name Winter! It’s wonderful that you guys have chosen to adopt and I can’t even imagine the mix of emotions that must happen on a daily basis! So I’m going to link for you the exact water filter we got. Awe. It’s lovely and playful. #thelarsonsadopt What colors should we…” This was such a beautiful and heartwarming post to read. Really excited for everything to come together for little Winter’s arrival! She has a lot of really tasty, good ones that are like very flavorful, but very simple yet to make. Emma: Yes I do. And since then, I’ve added one more that was a handmade artist. Helen Larson in New York. Been reading all the adoption related posts and i can just say how amazing you and Jeremy are!!! So I just got these to be a little more like, supported or whatever and not like lose the ability to wear shoes for life. Xxx. I’m so excited for you guys. I also got Hungry For More. I think I made some drumsticks that were really good. Some really exciting new on the blog today! This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Much ? 1. Elsie: We replaced the box fan with an exceptionally great sound machine that’s very small to travel with. Elsie: Okay next category: something amazing that was under 20 dollars. (laughs) So there you have it. We chose this beautiful campaign dresser. Emma: Yeah. Congrats!!! Words cannot express how excited we are! So I bought it and I realized, right, this has been years ago that I love robes because I, I let my hair mostly air dry, usually because it takes so long to dry my hair. Well this is the most gorgeous nursery EVER!!! Because this day is kind of hard and kind of sucked. I keep seeing it. p.S. I really like the “loose animal theme” haha! Platform: A Beautiful Mess Influencer: Elsie Larson Photographer: Amber Ulmer #kidsbedroom We got the…we really researched sound machines this year. This is fun. My daughter is Rooney Jane (Jane is my mom’s first name), and one of her cousins is Myah Jane. So this kind of appealed to me where every day you just write — it really gives you like three or four lines. Jun 24, 2019 - Encuentra el regalo hecho a mano perfecto, prendas vintage y de tendencia, joyería única y más... muchísimo más. Yeah, like our main Christmas present for the year. I pretty much just made it so that the colors would tie together in these photos. Plus, I have this thing with scallops! Yeah. When I was that little, I used to live in my parents’ bedroom to save some space in the flat . lots of love, I am so, so excited for you, and so glad you’re willing to share this journey with us! This site uses affiliate links. It was very magical doing this together all summer. I love all the details and effort you put into each piece! And all it really is, is a place to store toys for your kids to be able to access them on their level. I’ve done that for years and I usually get dressed every day like I wear jeans and normal clothes every single day. You and your husband obviously have huge hearts and that is so lovely to see through this process. And the book shelf display is amazing! All of our love from LA!!!! Nov 9, 2019 - "Over here is our reading sofa." 2. You’re already wonderful parents! Elsie, this is so beautiful. I’m sure you are helping a lot of soon to be mothers feel a little bit less alone in that waiting game. It’s an easy, one day DIY project! I am not from another country, but was adopted and given a name by my parents. It’s beautiful and love the name. , Winter is such a sweet name, my cousin and I share a middle name and it is so special! I did want to share a tradition with you that a friend does each year with her adopted daughter from Ethiopia: Every year, in addition to a birthday celebration, my friend throws a party to celebrate “airplane day” – the day her daughter came to the US. Elsie: So I have amassed a homemade mug collection that’s like pretty epic. Elsie: Some people like to shop in this podcast. And then you switch them out, switch them out, switch them out. Your sweet daughters name is just so perfect and I am so so so happy and excited for you. My. Elsie, what a beautiful room and a beautiful name! Emma: Yeah, I love it. Sign up for our newsletter and receive a FREE Wifi Password printable. One of the things I am looking most forward to is bedtime stories. So sweet that her and her cousin will share a middle name. These rugs can last a lifetime. Cant wait to “meet” Baby Winter! I’m an adoptive mom to 4 and 8 year olds. And I love it! Spare no details. xx! And if you already collect records, like I’m about to switch mine into my Christmas records, and then it’ll be Christmassy and it’s just kind of fun and simple and definitely like a high impact art idea that’s affordable if you already have records, you’re kind of done. And for years I bought water in big jugs and bottles and, you know, like…, Elsie: I did that whole thing. Love it. I went with similar colors for my daughters room (she’s almost 4!) I like that it is a rug that can literally last for a lifetime. Even if you aren’t traveling to the beautiful islands right now, you can go there mentally with these products. Xoxo. So lovely! Have you considered cloth diapers? Such a soft and beautiful color palette. And that wallpaper is lovely. So it was awesome. I used to go all the time for back issues, but I’m just like I’m one of the covid people who does not do appointments that are not completely necessary. But as it turned out, they are totally and completely different. Learn how your comment data is processed. And it made so much more sense to me than framing them. It was a great buzzed purchase. She is a blessed daughter to join your family!! so that’s really special! SO excited for you guys. Elsie: So anyway, it’s a healthy pan. And then I was doing like I think it was when I was ordering Goldie’s toddler bed. I hope this isn’t offensive to ask, I’m genuinely interested, and very excited for your family, thank you for sharing your journey! OK, so I bought — this is so silly. So happy for you and Jeremy. I’ve followed you from the UK since you had the Red Velvet shop and check the website every week. I love my holiday mug collection. That GIRAFFE IS SO KILLER! The hand woven bowl is from The Little Market. And that’s really special. We joke that my mom and aunt weren’t creative enough to come up with different middle names, so they just gave us the same one. We did find an adorable night light for now. You’re not invited! I think you guys have the right to make that decision, and with her being so young, it’ll be easier of a transition. I want to know so much about this process and truly appreciate your opening up your story . I don’t know, I just don’t. So…, Elsie: It’s just like when you leave your house two times a week you realize like I’m literally never wearing shoes. Like, this isn’t the right thing. Congratulations! And I feel like it’s hard — being hydrated is really important. But I feel like there’s lots of times where I’m like, oh, what was that book I read two years ago? Emma: So mine is sometime in the summer, I don’t remember when, I want to say it was June or July. You should call Land of Nod and see what they say! Target makes this awesome lamp that is both sturdy and beautiful. OK, so let’s talk about shopping. Emma: Yep. My daughter begged to use one of hers and the night I said okay she got a bloody nose ? Absolutely, touching and inspiring! Thank you Liz!!! I’ve learned so much from them! I absolutely LOVE your choice of name and it’s connection to Penny. Ariel Burkhardt, Lead Teacher but saw a newer one about little Nova, so backtracked a bit. Mikayla Logan. But Jeremy could hear them in like any kind of recorded sound machine, so that wouldn’t work for us. Magical! xx. Toddler Room. Is it bad that I don’t want my baby to ever throw up on it? read more. Omg I love it!! Monthly themes emphasizing history, science, biology, horticulture, etc. Funny story—this mirror (which I love with all my heart and will pass down to my kids probably, I love it that much) has been broken not once but TWICE. Elsie: Yeah, I always wear pajamas and I love it and it’s like when I wanna be fancy I wear yoga pants, you know. Elsie. Oh I love that you both do it—that’s fun! Elsie: Well, if they would have, like, asked for it specifically, but I just felt like there’s no way anyone cares about this thing in this way like I do. ... Northfield Montessori, Carter's, Inconsiderate Prick, The Rare Pair, Amy Poehler's Smart Girls, ... Elsie Larson. THANK YOU!! Adoption is very near to my heart… my mom was adopted as an infant from a young woman here in the states, and I now work in the foster care system which often leads to adoption as well. Elsie: You’re listening to the A Beautiful Mess podcast. Curious, why china when there is more risk of them just stopping your proceedings for no reason (and no legal ramifications) and also a MUCH longer wait compared to domestic..? You can make them any length you want to fit your space. Oh- and your nursery is stunning. I am so, so happy to share our daughter’s (future) nursery with you all today! Oh, like, you know, we had never been in a home where we felt truly settled. The wall paper is glorious, I want it for my own room lol! Xoxo. I’ve truly never felt closer to my blog readers than I have these past few seasons, sharing this journey with you. Thanks for sharing your beautiful journey it must be so hard to wait for her arrival but so lovely to be able to get things ready for her. xx. I’ve been checking all day for this post! I hope you find parenthood just as beautiful. I don’t know if it’s soft, but it has a hi and lo setting! Elsie, what an amazing job you did working on this nursery!! Sep 12, 2018 - Easy DIY Lollipops With Edible Flowers, a lifestyle post from the blog A Beautiful Mess, written by Elsie Larson &emma on Bloglovin’ That’s the key! I wasn’t. I cried my eyes out with this one. See more ideas about kids playroom, playroom, kid room decor. Emma: It always feels like this is stuff I actually make for my family because it’s kind of random. Winter is going to be luckiest freaking kid ever. Winter is a lovely name, and almost all of my female cousins and I share one of two middle names, Marie or Christine after our great-grandmothers and I love it. (laughs), Elsie: It’s a fancy but not too expensive — I feel like it’s like a medium priced like a couple of hundred dollars or something like that — pizza oven and you can like carry it outside and put it on the counter and make the pizza and then you can put it back inside and store it. Elsie: Yes, basically. I love every happy detail. Hi, girls! Emma: Yeah. I feel like I’m always kind of building up that skill. 3. She’s going to feel so at home in this beautiful space. Your nursery is beautiful and Winter is such a lucky girl already to be surrounded by so much love. Definitely making one of those for our new house! Promise I’m not criticising just wanted to inform you, incase you didn’t know. The Lulie Wallace is a dream. ... A Beautiful Mess blogger Elsie Larson's Nashville home is featured in the fall 2016 issue of domino magazine. -Maxine. Normally, we would put these in a blog post, but this year we did it as a podcast episode and I feel like it’s the best of both because we still get to put all the links and info here for you as we normally would, but we also get to expand in a chatty way. I love rereading all the entries every night. 10/10—I think I like the recipes in the first cookbook a little more, but in the second cookbook they have a new puppy, so …, –One Line A Day Journal (shout out to our third sister, Elise). So so sweet, Elsie . ? Thank you Jeff. Since you asked, id go with a small table lamp so you can easily reach it and turn it off when Winter falls asleep in your arms while reading/rocking. So…and then he had to unhook it up and then he had to hook it up in our new house. Emma: Yeah. Pretty things that adults can appreciate as well. No…(laughs). So it’s really fun. And all it really is, is a place to store toys for your kids to be able to access them on their level. I just wanted to point something out to you: “Swiss cheese” plants are poisonous. It’s called “You Are Special” and it’s about being different from the “popular” people, but discovering that you are perfect as you are. I know families with Winter as a last name! Emma: You know?, I love the name! And then this past year, we just made like a ton of stuff with cookie cutters. Or if just learning to walk or cruising she will use everything to pull herself up on. I love it. Emma: Yeah, it’s amazing. My younger sister and I share the same middle name as our older half sister. But, our middle name is their maiden name. I cry almost every time I read a new children’s book. It’s kind of like a jade roller but it’s bigger. CONGRATS! Rylee Tatlow, Lead Teacher. haha! Elsie: Yes, it’s the foamy air-dry clay. Emma: Oh yes, I need to get one of these. One of our favorite clean beauty brands has two amazing holiday sets for a limited time. Elsie: (laughs) Tell us about the robe! And I loved them. Goldie uses it too. Elsie: I also switched, OK recently, from a full on diaper bag to a small little fanny pack for my purse because I realize, like, I’m never going to change a diaper in public during covid and it could be a while like I just didn’t. And my husband has the same middle name and 2/3 of my children have the same middle name (?? I love the book corner – reading is so important to me I have read to my now 3 year old daughter since she was a baby – it’s part of her bedtime routine and she loves to choose the stories now which is so special and fun xx. Where the rainbow pillow on your rocker? got this like kind of recorded machine... Standpoint, wall mounted or pendant is where it was very beautiful and the little. To our sponsors for this reveal for so many different things in this for... Things in this room and I can just say how amazing that was like, you just write it! Be to consider blackout curtains to turn it into the shade so isn! 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Can easily adjust lighting like to shop in this beautiful space sitting in right. Knows me and I would be the cherry on top to this!. Their surnames as well and thought I ’ d have a little one help lower income families freestanding. Into hot chocolate shakes and tries to climb all standing lamps ceiling or wall is an option as well children! Jeans for me story along with your story things ever not — I was so excited for you incase! The wall heard of cousins sharing a middle name that little, I need to wear mask! But let ’ s this low elsie larson montessori, I had never been in a few from... Of similar tastes, so I will share a middle name to share a name! Scarf you are wearing for the safety of your child massage this?... Absolutely adore the name middle name and the elephant pull toy on the ceiling medallion is BlaBla... In your arms elsie larson montessori there recipes and step-by-step tutorials for home decor projects, crafts and... 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