Posted February 22, 2018 by Ben Carlson. An intelligent person analyzes and comes to a conclusion based on factors. But I really think I often sleep just out of boredom or lack of stimulation. It’s not because highly intelligent people are social fools, but because they see the world on an entirely different level than the rest of us. The Curse of Intelligence. You need to find some way to get both your sense of self and your fear of arrogance in check. As far as goes, we love politically incorrect hard truths that lamestream losers can’t handle. Being emotionally intelligent is different from being overwhelmed by emotions. This is not just one of the many astute observations I have every day, by the way, it is a fact recently confirmed by science. netflix. Sure, universities and corporations hire or even exploit them for their intellectual abilities, but they aren’t revered as heroes as those in sports or the noise entertainment industry (formerly known as the Music industry). Being Intelligent Is A Curse. It is that strange switch in everyone’s brain that when flicked “on” it can make normally rational human beings do incredibly irrational things, all because they were blindly following a group. Sleepless nights thinking about where your life is going, and how it’s going to work out. When you don’t know what is possible, you don’t know what you’re missing out. It was once believed people who use a lot of curse words are less intelligent and have a limited vocabulary. I don't think high intelligence is a curse, though. Application of knowledge is. The author, a clinical psychologist specialising in the extremely gifted, explains in this book why being intelligent is a curse for many children and adults. My constant mind keeps me up at night, and never stops. The more we as a society tolerate stupidity in any form, be it socially, politically, or academically, the more people will remain intellectually lazy and comfortable with not advancing original ideas and astute observations that others miss. It’s noisy as fuck in here. People who are highly intelligent are not content with being average. The problem is thinking you are “better” just because you “know a lot”. That’s why I’m writing this post. Intelligence and depression. Sorry, it's God's Law. It’s never politically correct to talk about how smart you are or how high your IQ is. I was five years old in Mrs. Kilgore’s kindergarten class. The solution is to tell yourself: Shoot first, ask questions later. Show posts by this member only | Post #1. I’m talking about people who are insightful, profound, deep — basically able to see things and think things very differently from the mainstream. Being Smart Is A Curse. Yet the very fact that it is illegal is enough for someone who is not intelligent to take a stand and make sure this trivial violation of the law does not go unpunished. But, like everything else in life, there is no true equality. Group: Junior Member Posts: 79 Joined: Feb 2013 From: Kelantan Master Race of Peace. It’s especially useful if you live in a small town or perhaps like me, in a big city but one that’s highly conformist. You might have been told swearing shows a lack of intelligence or a limited vocabulary. Before I really knew anything about human behavior, incentives, and how the markets really work, I was always blown away by the sheer amount of intelligence I would come across in the investment world. The naivety, lack of empathy, and ruthless arrogance of people like this is repulsive, but most importantly, it’s a sign of being intellectually inept. I’m not just talking about the conventional understanding of the term — academically gifted, bright, or clever. Some people will never understand, no matter how much the information is simplified or broken down to them. I believe a huge part of these traits are born. One of the most difficult realities of an intelligent person to face is the group or “mob” mindset. Research indicates that people with higher IQs are more prone to mental disorders. The Curse of Being Intelligent with a Mental Illness. Even before I knew what I wanted out of life, as a young kid I could never fit in with the mainstream kids. The most intelligent people I've ever met in my life cursed. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There’s no doubt that intelligent people lead healthier lives and have higher life expectancies, as you’d expect them to. Not to sound egotistical but I always have considered myself “insightful, profound, deep — basically able to see things and think things very differently from the mainstream”. Before I really knew anything about human behavior, incentives, and how the markets really work, I was always blown away by the sheer amount of intelligence I would come across in the investment world. Diego, this is a good piece and i consider myself a unique breed ‘the guy who sees the depth and root of all’. Anonymous. A Fijian lawyer says being "an intelligent woman of colour" is a curse and she experiences racism in the industry every day. Pingback: Are You Too Smart To Be Successful In Business? Getting Started. I'm smarter than everyone, nobody understands me when I tell them about my political views, especially libtards. Favourite answer. Lv 6. That’s why I believe some people are just born this way. Here’s why being highly intelligent is both a blessing and a curse: Nor do I hold the arrogant notion that people who view the world differently are somehow less (or more) intellectually capable than I. I think paper qualifications, even from prostitute prestigious colleges, are generally worthless (with small exceptions, such as medical doctors). Even if they are physically surrounded by other human beings. You feel alone because it’s as if you’re on this journey that no one understands. frustrated. but in the end they screwed you and took your money. Intelligent people see the world for what it really is and not what society tells them it is. drastic fantastic. When people are not at the same mental level, it is extremely difficult to relate in any way. The point I’m getting at is this: if a person is smart, their brains are usually the last thing they are admired for in a society driven largely by image and materialism. They are the visionaries who want to lead a different life. and bring bigger questions in your life. Dont get me wrong; in no way am I saying that there aren’t physically attractive smart people or average looking dumb people. … You’re not actually intelligent. Being an intelligent woman of colour is a curse – NZ-born Fijian lawyer. Well first off, let me define intelligence. Not to worry, I have a solution for you in this article. I could never identify with my peers. Katie Scotcher, Reporter. While we certainly don't expect you to give us your hard-earned money, we won't turn it down either! Ignorance is bliss. Of course you have. onmyblock. Universities are like prostitutes — they paint the false fantasy of them providing you a fabulous service and enriching your life, but in the end they screwed you and took your money. And that often means going against the grain, and breaking many social norms and expectations. To them, ‘average’ is a dirty word. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It celebrates you for showing up. This theory has been validated by talking to like-minded people. Honestly it is a great source of my anxiety. A) Recognize this simple fact: Knowledge is NOT power. If werewolves are going to carry on, there has to be an incredibly powerful force. Not to sound egotistical but I also have always found myself “insightful, profound, deep — basically able to see things and think things very differently from the mainstream”. Just because you’re highly intelligent doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. One day soon you’ll be driving down the road, then all of a sudden you’ll get the feeling you forgot something. You're probably smarter if you curse a lot. CAPTION. c) a life long brand that will affect this individual’s ability to rent or own a place to live. You just care more. While smart people have an insatiable desire to consume more and more and more knowledge, you need to recognize yourself in that pattern and STOP. of them providing you a fabulous service and enriching your life. I graduated from a university that’s consistently ranked top 20 in the entire world. All my life I've been praised for being smart, been told I'm a super talented writer, and commended for my good grades in school. Marijuana causes no harm to anyone. This is why it is given a bad name. visionaries who want to lead a different life, how to beat the bookies at sports betting, Be a doer-producer, not a reader-consumer, publishing the revolutionary soccer betting book, Support Free Speech By Supporting 18-Year-Old Singaporean Dissident Held In Chicago Prison, Can't Miss Blog Posts - 6 Posts You Need To Read. . There are just too many social barriers that people, for whatever reason, are afraid to break down. 10 More Mental Disorders. And ironically those who are among the least intelligent have a tendency to cling to religion and moral codes more than one with greater intellectual capabilities. People who are highly intelligent tend to overthink and are addicted to mental masturbation. 25% of every donation goes directly to UNICEF. If you enjoy the original essays here on Chaos Section and want to toss a few pennies our way to help cover hosting and administrative costs, we'd greatly appreciate it. They want to do what they want. Doing so seems like bragging, and most people are too afraid to offend anyone. 10. Truth is, being highly intelligent is a double-edged sword — your brain can be your best friend or your worst enemy. JK Diego is the Pioneer of Draw Betting, Founder of Team Diego, and owner of a stubborn brain that can’t keep quiet. They just don’t “have it,” for whatever reason. E.g. Worse case, you may even discard the entire article in the end because it wasn’t “good enough” according to your unrealistic standards. Little Tesla in Year 2017 would be too busy getting distracted by the pings from his cell phone instead of gaining inspiration from the surroundings. All without turning people off before you even try to be friends. I feel like I wrote this myself, you gave me some hella good laughs and I truly relate to all of this. Try as you might, you'll never be able to learn or understand everything. Many scientific studies have shown that highly intelligent people have a higher rate of psychiatric disorders such as bipolar disorder. Here is where the “curse” of intelligence comes into play. People who are highly intelligent are mentally unstable. Being smart and intelligent is a curse. “My mind is constantly chattering. However, it may be a curse in many ways as well. This is a very minor and hypothetical example. The highly intelligent sees a death sentence. In the dating scene, when someone says, “She’s out of your league,” dealing with someone less intelligent than you can bring out the same instinctual feeling of superiority. It’s more likely for us to be distracted by the thoughts in our heads — ruminating over some brilliant idea we just came up with, or over-analyzing something that is actually insignificant. How long did it take you to search the thesaurus, darling? In fact this has always been a source of my anxiety. By Maureen Healy. Sheep follow sheep, and birds of the same feather flock together. Shit man I feel like I wrote this article, that is how much I relate to this. Isn’t that much better than a “holy” rulebook or philosophical code of guidelines that must be followed to the letter, lest you suffer eternal damnation? The best advice I can give to you if you find yourself afflicted with Highly-Intelligent-Disdain-For-The-Mainstream-Syndrome is to seek out like-minded people in your fields of interest online. Keep it up. Someone who possesses low intelligence – or at least intelligence noticeably lower than you – is usually someone you can’t wait to get away from. According to a recent study by researcher Ruth Karpinski from Pitzer College, highly intelligent people are more likely to suffer from mood disorders and anxiety disorders.The research surveyed over 3700 members from Mensa, a high IQ society. 1. 1 decade ago. 1 minute ago. At least you might be happier. God is a Concept by Which We Measure Our Hate, Breaking Metal – Fate Of Adam – Season 2, Episode 3. And while having a high IQ is an overall net benefit in life, being an statistical intellectual freak is not without its drawbacks. It’s related to the obsession with absorbing as much knowledge as possible like a sponge. Katie Scotcher, Reporter . Well, it seems so. You learn by doing. An intelligent person who sees someone smoking or possessing marijuana will automatically know that this individual isn’t harming anyone and that by calling the police on this person could potentially mean: a) bodily harm or death (if the arresting officer(s) is overzealous). All my life I've been praised for being smart, been told I'm a super talented writer, and commended for my good grades in school. Pitfalls Of Being Highly Intelligent. When it comes to being rational, not very many people can intelligently look at life and all of life’s complexities objectively. And these are some of the reasons why they might want to make you feel guilty about being different. In many ways, possessing intelligence is true freedom. The average person sees the normal path — 9-to-5 living, getting married, having 2.5 kids, spending the rest of their lives paying off their mortgage and buying stuff they don’t need to impress people who don’t give a fuck — as the only option or even the ideal/most desirable option. For example: I have no idea how to do quantum physics, but I can spend hours in absolute awe listening to someone like Neil deGrasse Tyson or Lawrence Krause talk about the universe. Ruby Martinez. ... Report. In many ways, possessing intelligence is true freedom. Coincidentally, many of us also suffer from the Curse of Perfectionism. Being a perfectionist is a surefire way to get nothing done. I’m still sleeping more than I would like. Few people talk about the curse of being highly intelligent individuals. If being a shallow idiot remains fashionable the way it is today in America, we are doomed to reach a societal peak when the numbers of “the dumb” overwhelmingly tip the population scales. If you’re not taking any action, all the knowledge in your head is worthless. Being so-called intelligent is a curse when you're transage. You think you’re really smart, but just wait. It’s noisy as fuck in here.” E.g. @katiescotcher No matter what your personal flaws may be, the ability to be analytical, creative, rational, logical, and to see through what is arbitrary and trivial about human behavior and society is more valuable than any material possession, bar none. We have all had that experience. Be a doer-producer, not a reader-consumer. Which is an even bigger barrier to taking action in your life where it matters. Posted on March 21, 2017 by alifeofmentalillness. And half the time, you’re not even … Katie Scotcher, Reporter. Intelligent people are more likely to swear, a study has found. Being so-called intelligent is a curse when you're transage. The Curse of Being Gifted? Make $2,000 to $10,000 a month betting on draws. The first steps to answering these questions were taken almost a century ago, at the height of the American Jazz Age. There is the business of the craving, the hunger for the kill. I’m here to tell the truth and screw conventional thinking into its coffin where it belongs. Going to the gym for 1 hour today will do you more good than spending 10 hours reading about some overly complicated exercise knowledge. I understand them. Your email address will not be published. If I had insisted on 100%, I would never have completed any project — be it launching my online store, publishing the revolutionary soccer betting book, writing erotica, or setting up this blog. To normal people, the basic bitches and basic bros, they are able to enjoy their mediocre life because that’s where the herd is. We’ve all dealt with “those people” who are morally righteous. But they can also be picked up or learned as you go through life and get exposed to unconventional “Red Pill” ideas that challenge your worldview and socially-conditioned ways of thinking. It can be extremely difficult but a good place to start is to check out the teachings of Eckhart Tolle. Intellectual capabilities are by far the greatest of gifts that a human being can possess. Sometimes it’s difficult to take a mental breather. Experts have observed that highly intelligent people are more likely to be depressed and live a miserable life. ― Terence McKenna. Lets be honest, there is nothing attractive or desirable about someone who is an idiot. It’s a lose-lose situation in terms of your identity. However, it may be a curse in many ways as well. “Chaos is what we've lost touch with. The trick is to use that intelligence well, to move in the direction of happiness and satisfaction with life. Of Adam – Season 2, Episode 3 kid I could never fit in anywhere people! Curse of the term — academically gifted, bright, or clever no matter much. A werewolf is really a curse in many ways as well of your.. To start is to tell the truth and screw conventional thinking into coffin. A month betting on draws back to improve upon your previous work once you the. A low IQ moron eating sour grapes in terms of your identity right from.. Adam – Season 2, Episode 3 overall net benefit in life, as a systems administrator and programmer have., breaking Metal – Fate of Adam – Season 2, Episode 3 what 've. 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